Buy this book on-line De Petris, Alfonso : Prometeo, un mitoOlschki, 2003 ISBN 9788822251978
cm. 17 x 24, 148 pp. Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere ?La Colombaria? - Serie Studi Prometeo e l?uomo prometeico, simboli di condizione umana. Significativit? del mito nella storia delle idee e nella coscienza culturale. Il Titano prototipo di umanit? autodeterminantesi e pienamente realizzata. In aderenza testuale, disamina di esiti interpretativi. L?apporto dell?arte politica in Platone. Le trasformazioni nel: logos (Isocrate, retori), magnus vir et sapiens (Cicerone, Medioevo). Il duplex Prometeo (vir doctus, sapiens) boccacciano. La raffigurazione lucianea testimone di crescente ?intellectualisation? e mutata ?human attitude toward religion? Prometheus and Promethean man, symbols of human condition. Significance of myth in the history of ideas and in Western cultural consciousness. The Titan as a prototype of a self-determining and fulfilled mankind. Textual analysis of the interpretations. The contribution of Politics in Plato. Transformations in: logos (Isocrates, rhetors), magnus vir et sapiens (Cicero, Middle Ages). Boccaccio?s duplex Prometheus (vir doctus, sapiens). Lucian?s representation testifying an advanced ?intellectualization? and different ?human attitude toward religion? 336 gr. 148 p.. Libro. Book Condition: nuovo. Binding: Rilegato Click here for full details of this book, to ask a question or to buy it on-line. Bibliophile Bookbase probably offers multiple copies of De Petris, Alfonso : Prometeo, un mito. Click here to select from a complete list of available copies of this book. Bibliophile Bookbase lists over 5 million books, maps and prints including out of print books, antiquarian books, livres d'occasion, libri rari and atlases. Bibliophile Bookbase for antiquarian books, maps and prints. |