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Livy:: [...] Historiarum Quod Extat, cum perpetuis Car. Sigonii et J.F. Gronovii Notis. [...] Glover, Richard:: Leonidas, A Poem. [...] Cicero:: [...] Epistolae Familiares, diligentius, qua’m quae hactenus exierunt, emendatae. Pauli Manutii scholia [...]
Lucretius:: [...] De Rerum Natura [...] Albin, Eleazar:: Bohemian Jay or Chatterer Albin, Eleazar:: The Cormorant
Gould, John:: Black Scoter Gould, John:: Griffon Vulture Gould, John:: Rock Dove
Gould, John:: Barrow’s Duck Triphiodorus (Tryphiodorus):: The Destruction of Troy, being the sequel to the Iliad. Translated from the Greek of Tryphiodorus with notes by J. Merrick [...] [With:] [Greek title] Tryphiodori Ilii Excidium, cum Metrica Nicodemi Frischlini Versione, et Selectis Virorum Doctorum Notis: Lacunas aliquot e Codice MSto explevit, et Suas Annotationes adiecit, Jacobus Merrick. [...] Loudon, Mrs. Jane Wells:: Telekia speciosa etc
Loudon, Mrs. Jane Wells:: Linum viscosum etc Loudon, Mrs. Jane Wells:: Tagetes florida etc Bloch, Marcus Elieser:: Acipenser Ruthenus ... The Russish Sturgeon
Bloch, Marcus Elieser:: Clupea Thrissa ... The Sprat Bloch, Marcus Elieser:: Holocentrus Fasciatus .. Bloch, Marcus Elieser:: Lonchurus Barbatus ..
Andrews, Henry C.:: Gladiolus ringens Andrews, Henry C.:: Gladiolus grandiflorus Andrews, Henry C.:: Wachendorfia villosa
Andrews, Henry C.:: Antholyza spicata Andrews, Henry C.:: Westeringa rosmarinacea Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: La Bernache
Terence (P. Terentius Afer):: Comoediae [...] Accesserunt Variae Lectiones [...] Nozeman, Cornelius:: Columba Gutturosa (Pigeon) Gould, John:: Razor-Bill Auk
Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Le Merle coleur de Rose, de Bourgogne Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Gelinote, du Senegal Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Oye, des terres Magellaniques
Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Crabier, de la Louisiane Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Le Heron blanc Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Crabier, de Cayenne
Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Perdix rouge de France, male Gould, John:: Glossy Ibis Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: L’huitrier
Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Sarcelle male, de la Chine Nozeman, Cornelius:: Colymbus, Minor (small grebe) Nozeman, Cornelius:: Mergus Minutus, Mas. (Red-headed Smew)
Nozeman, Cornelius:: Fulica (Coot) Nozeman, Cornelius:: Tringa, Macularia et Varia (Spotted Sandpiper) Nozeman, Cornelius:: Charadrius Cantianus (Kentish Plover)
Nozeman, Cornelius:: Charadrius Pluvialis Foemina (Golden Plover, fem.) Nozeman, Cornelius:: Podiceps Auritus (Horned Grebe) Gould, John:: Phalacrocorax Graculus (Shag)
Gould, John:: Bernicla Brenta (Brent Goose) Gould, John:: Falco Subbuteo (Hobby) Madox, Thomas:: Firma Burgi, or an Historical Essay concerning the Cities, Towns and Boroughs of England. Taken from Records
Gould, John:: Jackdaw Gould, John:: Scops Zorca (Scops Eared Owl) Gould, John:: Haematopus Ostralegus (Oystercatcher)
Gould, John:: Colymbus Arcticus (Black-throated Diver) Gould, John:: Colymbus Glacialis (Great Northern Diver or Loon) Gould, John:: Casuarius Picticollis (Dwarf Cassowary)
Bloch, Marcus Elieser:: Labrus Carneus Anstice, Joseph (trans.):: Selections from the Choric Poetry of the Greek Dramatic Writers. Translated into English Verse [...] Riviere, Duc de:: Maison du Lord Maire/Mansion House, Lord Mayor
Riviere, Duc de:: Bourse et Banque/Bank Royal Exchange Riviere, Duc de:: Arc de Triomphe du Duc de Wellington/Triumphal Arch & Duke of Wellington Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Le Vautour
Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: L’Oiseau-Royal Male Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: La Grue Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: L’Avocette
Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Le Grebe cornu Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Moineau, de la cote d’Afrique/Moineau bleu, de Cayenne Bowles, John:: The Royal Palace of St James’s next the Park/La Palais Royale de St James du cote du Parc
Sayer, Robert:: A Perspective View of Whitehall & Whitehall Gate/Vue de la Grande Sale, avec la Porte de Whitehall Boydell, John:: View of London from Greenwich Park Laurie and Whittle:: A North View of London./Vue Septentrionale de la Ville de Londres
Laurie and Whittle:: A North View of Westminster Bridge/Vue du Pont du Westminster Bowles, John:: The Royal Hospital at Greenwich Bowles:: The Monument of London in remembrance of the dreadful Fire in 1666/Collone de Londres
Laurie, Richard Holmes:: Ironmongers Hall with a View of Fenchurch Street/L’Hotel des Ferroniers Parker, Henry:: The Mansion House Albin, Eleazar:: Upright Duck
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