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ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE: Bowen & Owen:: Berkshire ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE: Bowen & Owen:: Shropshire ENGLAND, CUMBERLAND: Bowen & Owen:: Cumberland
ENGLAND, DEVON: Bowen & Owen:: Devonshire ENGLAND, WARWICKSHIRE: Bowen & Owen:: Warwickshire ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE: Bowen & Owen:: Glocestershire
ENGLAND, DORSET: Bowen & Owen:: Dorsetshire WALES, PEMBROKSHIRE: Saxton-Kip:: Penbrok Comitatus, olim pars Demetarum ENGLAND, HUNTINGDONSHIRE: Saxton-Kip:: Huntingdon Comitatus qui pars fuit Icenorum
ENGLAND, HEREFORDSHIRE: Saxton-Kip:: Herefordiae Comitatus qui olim pars fuit Silurum delineato ENGLAND BUCKINGHAMSHIRE: Saxton-Kip:: Buckingham Comitatus, in quo olim insederunt Cattieuchlani ENGLAND, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Nottinghamshire
ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Leicestershire ENGLAND, HEREFORDSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Herefordshire ENGLAND, HERTFORDSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Hertfordshire
ENGLAND, LINCOLNSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Lincolnshire ENGLAND, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Northamptonshire ENGLAND, SHROPSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Shropshire
ENGLAND, BEDFORDSHIRE: Morden, Robert:: Bedfordshire ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING: Morden, Robert:: The North Riding of Yorkshire ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, EAST RIDING: Morden, Robert:: The East Riding of Yorkshire
SCOTLAND, AYRSHIRE: Blaeu:: Caricta Meridionalis vulgo the South part of Carrick ENGLAND, STAFFORDSHIRE: Blaeu:: Staffordiensis Comitatus; vulgo Staffordshire Homann Heirs:: Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa Regiones [...]
WALES, PEMBROKESHIRE: Blaeu:: Penbrochia Comitatus et Comitatus Caermaridunum Theophrastus:: [Greek title] Characteres Ethici: ex recensione Petri Needham cum versione Latina Isaaci Casauboni Epictetus:: Enchiridium una cum Cebetis Thebani Tabula Graec. & Lat. Cum notis Wolfii, Casauboni, Caselii & aliorum : Abrahamus Berkelius textum recensuit & suas quoque addidit. [...]
Wit, Frederick de:: Nova totius Hungariae, Transilvaniae, Serviae [... &c.] descriptio Reilly, F.J.J. von:: Das Furstenthum Wales ENGLAND, DEVON: Blaeu:: Devonia vulgo Devonshire
ENGLAND, DORSET: Blaeu:: Comitatus Dorcestria sive Dorsettia; vulgo Anglice Dorsetshire ENGLAND, YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING: Blaeu:: Ducatus Eboracensis pars Borealis. The North Riding of Yorkshire ENGLAND, GLOUCESTERSHIRE: Blaeu:: Glocestria Ducatus; vulgo Glocestershire
ENGLAND, SOMERSET: Blaeu:: Somersettensis Comitatus. Somersetshire Bowen, Emanuel:: A New and Accurate Map of Peru and the Country of the Amazones Bowen, Emanuel:: An Accurate Map of Asia Minor
Merian:: Turcicum Imperium Mercator-Cloppenburgh:: Turcici Imperii Imago Mercator-Cloppenburgh:: Anglia Scotia et Hibernia
Mercator-Cloppenburgh:: Irlandiae Regnum Mercator-Cloppenburgh:: Nova Virginiae Tabula Mercator:: Hispania Nova
Mortier, Pierre (after Jaillot):: La Scandinavie ou sont les Royaumes de Suede, Danemark et Norwege Seutter:: Imperii Magni Mogolis Tacitus:: Opera quae extant ex recognitione Iani Gruteri [...]
Sallust:: Quae extant [...] Recensuit, Notas perpetuas, & Indices adjecit Josephus Wasse [...] Propertius:: Opera Omnia ex editione Ch. Th. Kuinoelis cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini [...] Butler, Dr Samuel:: An Atlas of Ancient Geography [...]
Cary, John:: Cary’s Traveller’s Companion, or, a Delineation of the Turnpike Roads of England and Wales [...] Cary, John:: Cary’s Reduction of his Large Map of England and Wales, with part of Scotland; Comprehending the whole of the Turnpike Roads, with the Great Rivers and the Course of the different Navigable Canals [...] Mogg, Edward:: Mogg’s New Map of the Roads. A New Travelling Map of England, Wales and Scotland [...]
Crutchley, G.F.:: Crutchley’s Improved Geographical Companion Throughout England & Wales, Including Part of Scotland Herodotus:: [Greek title, partially transliterated] istorion logoi 9 [...] Textus Johannis Schweighaeuseri [...] cui adjectae sunt, editionum Schweighaeuseri, Reizii et Schaeferi, et Wesselingii lectiones variantes omnes Mercator-Cloppenburgh:: Ceilan (Sri Lanka)
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas:: Plan de l’Isle Ste. Helene Weigel, Christoph:: Aegyptus Inferior, sive Delta Bellin, Jacques Nicolas:: Ville et Fort du Cap de Bonne Esperance (Cape Town)
Scott, Sir Walter:: [The Works] The Novels of Sir Walter Scott [etc.] [Melville, Mrs. Helen Elizabeth]:: A residence at Sierra Leone. Described from a journal kept on the spot, and from letters written to friends at home. By a Lady. Edited by the Hon. Mrs. Norton Charlemagne, Joseph:: Quai Anglais (St. Petersburg)
Charlemagne, Joseph:: Le Pont de Police (St. Petersburg) Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie Gabriel August, Comte de:: Vue de la Place At-meidan (Hippodrome) [Istanbul] Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie Gabriel August, Comte de:: Vue de Constantinople prise des Jardins du Palais de France [Istanbul]
Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Barbu a collier, de Cayenne Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Geai, de Siberie Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: L’Oiseau St. Martin
Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Tourterelle, de Java Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Tourterelle, de St. Domingue Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Tourterelle, du Senegal
Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Tourterelle a collier, du Senegal Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Martin-pêcheur, du Cap de Bonne-Espérance Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Martin-pêcheur, du Côte Malabar
Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Le Grand Plongeon Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Courly à tête nue, du Cap de bonne-Esperance Buffon, Comte de, and Martinet:: Le Barbican, des Côtes de Barbarie
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