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ORTELIUS, Abraham: Persici sive Sophorum Regni Typus ORTELIUS, Abraham: Natoliae Quae Olim Asia Minor or Nova Descriptio/ Aegypti Recentior Descriptio/ Carthaginis Celebrrimi Sinus Typus BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Bethuneae Urbis Artesiae Genuina Descrip
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Walkdeccensis Comitatus Descriptio Accuratissima ORTELIUS, Abraham: Senensis Ditionis Accurata Descriptio ORTELIUS, Abraham: Artesia
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Saxoniae, Misniae, Thuringiae, Nova Exactissimaq Descriptio BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Valenchiennes - Valencena, quondam Cygnorum Vallis, Urbs Han. Perelegas, et Valde Magnifica BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Aurelia Franciae civitas ad Ligeri flu: sita
SAYER, Robert & BENNETT, John: A Chart of the Nicobar Islands SILVESTRE, Israel: (Five early engravings of Lyon) SILVESTRE, Israel: Profil de la Ville de S. Denis
SILVESTRE, Israel: Veue des Chasteaus de St. Germain en Laye/ Veue du Chateau de St. Germain en Laye/ Veue de l'entree du vieux Chasteau de Saint Germain en Laye SILVESTRE, Israel: Veue particuliere de la ville de Lion, sous nostre Dame de Fouruiere/ Veue du Palais, et du Port Royal de Lion/ Veue de l'Eglise des Cordeliers, et d'une partie de la Ville de Lion sur le Rosne SILVESTRE, Israel: Veue de l'Eglise de St. Jean, et du Pont de la Saone a Lyon/ Veue et Perspective de la Maison de ville de Lion, du coste du Jardin/ Veue du Bastion S. Jean de Pierre en size, et d'une partie de la ville de Lion
D'APRES DE MANNEVILLETTE, Jean Baptiste P. D: Plan Du Detroit De Banca SAYER, Robert: A Particular Plan of Acheen Road with the Islands adjacent SAYER, Robert: (Untitled chart of the west coast of Sumatra)
OGILBY, John: Dartmouth to Minehead OGILBY, John: Ipswich to Norwich WALDSEEMULLER, Martin - FRIES, Laurent: Tabula terrę novę
WHITE, John: Americę pars, Nunc Virginia dicta, primum ab Anglis inventa sumtibus Dn. Walteri Raleigh Equestris ordinis Viri Anno Dni.M.D LXXXV DE BRY, Theodore - LE MOYNE, Francois: Floridae Americae Provinciae Recens & exactissima descriptio Auctorč Iacobo le Mo’ne cui co= gnomen de Morgues, Qui Laud= nierum, Altera Gallorum in eam Prouinciam Nauigatione comitat .. BOWEN, Emanuel: A New Map of Georgia with Part of Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana. Drawn from Original Draughts Assisted by the Most Approved Maps and Charts
THORNTON, John, MORDEN, Robert & LEA, Philip: A New Map of New England. New York. New Iersey. Pensilvania. Maryland. and Virginia TIDDEMAN, Mark: A Draught of New York from the Hook to New York Town by Mark Tiddeman BOSTON MAGAZINE: Plan of the Town of Boston
ORDNANCE SURVEY: (Home Counties) MORDEN, Robert: Warwickshire WELLER, Edward: Hammersmith & c
MOUNT, Richard & PAGE, Thomas: A Chart for the Newcastle Trade Describeing the Sea Coasts of England from the South Foreland to New=Castle wth the Soundings, Sands, Shoals, Harbours Buoys Beacons and Seamarks, upon ye said Coasts MOUNT, William & PAGE, Thomas: A New Chart of the Islands of Corsica & Sardinia. By Michelot, Hydrographer and Pilot Royal of the Galleys, & Bremond, Hydrographer to the King of France SELLER, John: The Sea Coast of Italy from Cape Delle Melle to Mount Argentato with the Island of Corsica
SELLER, John: A Sea Chart of the Gulph of Venice Describing all the Sea Coasts and Islands contained therin SELLER, John: A Chart of the Islands Corfu, Pachsu and Antipachsu with ye Channel and Roads between the Island of Corfu & ye Graetian Coast GAUDY, John: A New Chart of the Archipelago Corrected by Ion. Gaudy
GAUDY, John: A Chart of the Levant or the Sea Coast of Egypt Syria Caramania and the Island Cyprus newly Corrected by Iohn Gaudy MERIAN, Matthaus: Ragusa/ Negroponte FABER, John (Senior): Hebricus VIII Angliae Franciae & Hibern: Rex Fundr. Coll: Aedis Christi AoDi 1546
DANIELL, William: Poole, Dorsetshire ANONYMOUS: (High Street Lutterworth) REIJ?, J: Plaza de Toros de Cordoba. Feria de Otono
MOUNT, W. & J. & PAGE, T: The Western Isles MOUNT, W. & J. & PAGE, T: A Chart of The Islands of Cape Verd SELLER, John: A Chart of the Straits of Gibralter
SELLER, John: A Chart of the Sea-Coast of Spain From the Straits mouth to C de Gat And of the Sea-Coast of Barbary From the Straits mouth to C de Hone SELLER, John: A Chart of the Sea-Coast of Spain From Cape de Gata to Cape S. Martin. And of the Sea-Coast of Barbary From Cape de Hone to Cape de Tenes BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Carte de la Tartarie Orientale
MERIAN, Matthaus: Ragusa BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Carte du Golfe de Benin et Partie de la Cote de Guinee BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Carte de la Riviere de Kalbar
BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Petrina in Ditione Turcarum/ Petrina in Ditione Christianorum COLLINS, Captain Greenville: (Cardigan Bay) MOLL, Herman: A Chart of the Coasts of Peru, Quito, Popayan and the Isthmus of Darien
BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Suite du Perou Audience de Charcas BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Suite de la Province de Quito au Perou BELZONI, Giovanni Battista: General View of the Pyramids
VAN KEULEN, Gerard: (Portland Bill)/ (Romney Marsh) MEISNER, Daniel: Vindesor in Engellandt MEISNER, Daniel: Hull in Engellandt
ANDREWS, John & DURY, Andrew: A Topographical Map of the County of Wilts. Describing the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, Turnpike and Cross Roads, Canals, etc MERIAN, Matthaus: Gallia - Le Royaume de France MERIAN, Matthaus: Champagne et Brie
MERIAN, Matthaus: Diocese, Prevost, et Eslection de Paris MERIAN, Matthaus: Gouvernement General D'Orleans MERIAN, Matthaus: Les Deux Bourgognes Duche et Comte
MERIAN, Matthaus: Le Duche de Auvergne MERIAN, Matthaus: Gouvernement General de Guienne et Gascogne MERIAN, Matthaus: Gouvernemt. Genral. Du Languedoc
MERIAN, Matthaus: Sabaudia Ducatus Savoye MERIAN, Matthaus: Comte, et Gouvernement de Provence DE JONGHE, Clement: Potentiss. Ac Sereniss. D.D. Carolus II Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, ac Hiberniae Rex
DE HOOGHE, Romain: Carte Nouvelle des Costes D'Angleterre depuis la Riviere de la Tamise jusques a Portland … OLIVER, John: A Mapp of the Cityes of London & Westminster & Burrough of Southwark with their Suburbs as it is now Rebuilt since the late dreadfull Fire PROBST, George Balthasar: London
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