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Hogarth, William (Designer); Cook, T. (Engraver): Original Engraving - "Frontispiece and its Explanation" (and) "Sr. Hudibras his passing worth, The manner how he sally'd forth"
Hogarth, William (Designer); Cook, T. (Engraver): Original Engraving - "The Committee" and "Hudibras Triumphant"
Hutchinson, A. P: The Event on Which the Great Civil War Hinged: An Unwritten Chapter Relating to Abraham Lincoln and Jesus Christ
Johnson, Edward S. (Compiler): Abraham Lincoln, And His Last Resting Place: A Leaflet Published for Distribution at the National Lincoln Monument in the City of Springfield, Illinois
Angle, Paul M: Bulletin of the Abraham Lincoln Association. Bulletin No. 27, June, 1932
Hay, Logan; Thomas, Benjamin P: Bulletin of the Abraham Lincoln Association. Bulletin No. 30, March, 1933
Thomas, Benjamin P: Bulletin of the Abraham Lincoln Association. Bulletin No. 36, September, 1934
Pratt, Harry E: Bulletin of the Abraham Lincoln Association. Bulletin No. 53, September, 1938
Pratt, Harry E: Bulletin of the Abraham Lincoln Association. Bulletin No. 54, December, 1938
Bunyan, John; Haweis, H. R. (Introduction): The Pilgrim's Progress: From This World to That Which Is to Come; With an Introduction
Angle, Paul M. (Editor): Lincoln Centennial Association Bulletin. Bulletin No. 7, June 1, 1927
Angle, Paul M: Bulletin: Special Number, Published by Lincoln Centennial Association, December 1, 1928
McClelland, Stewart W: Ohio Proposes Lincoln for President
Monaghan, Jay: An Analysis of Lincoln's Funeral Sermons
Gordon, James L: Was Abraham Lincoln a Spiritualist?
Osborne, R. H: Supplement to The Lerna Eagle, Lincoln Anniversary Edition, 1928. Lincoln with His People: The following Reminiscence of the Martyred President By R. H. Osborne was written a number of years ago
Damon, Samuel Chenery: Damon's Lincoln Sermon: A Discourse Preached by Rev. Samuel Chenery Damon in Honolulu, Hawaii, 14 May, 1865
Cameron, W. J: Lincoln
Basler, Roy P: Abraham Lincoln--Artist
Warren, Louis A. (Editor): The Lincoln Digest (Nos. 1-14 and 16)
Pamuk, Orhan; Oklap, Ekin (Translator): A Strangeness in My Mind
Harper's Weekly. Journal of Civilization. Vol. XXVIII.--No. 1416. New York, Saturday, February 9, 1884
Bolton, Guy (Book & Lyrics); Wodehouse, P. G. (Book & Lyrics); Kern, Jerome (Music): Original Sheet Music - "Comstock-Elliot Co., Presents, the New Musical Comedy, Oh Boy!"
Harper's Weekly. Journal of Civilization. Vol. XXIX.--No. 1502. New York, Saturday, October 3, 1885
Sigourney, Lydia; Parker, G. (Engraver): Lydia Sigourney. Engraving and Signature
Harper & Brothers?: Original Poster - "Harper's Magazine, February 1916, Thirty-five Cents, Harper & Brothers, New York and London"
Riddle & Couchman (Lithographers): Original Print - "James Russell Lowell. Born 1819. Died 1891."
Gerome, J. L. (Painter); Gebbie & Husson Co. Ltd. (Printers): Original Print - "Prayer in the Mosque, Old Cairo."
Zola, Emile: Les Rougon-Macquart: histoire naturelle et sociale d'une famille sous le Second Empire; La Curee
de la Mare, Walter: Peacock Pie: A Book of Rhymes
Young, Charles E: Dangers of the Trail in 1865: A Narrative of Actual Events
Tarbell, F. B: A History of Greek Art, with an Introductory Chapter on Art in Egypt and Mesopotamia
Ruskin, John: The Poetry of Architecture: or, The Architecture of the Nations of Europe Considered in Its Association with Natural Scenery and National Character
S. B. M. Young, Francis P. Farquhar (Introduction), Tamalpais Press, et al: In the Department of the Interior: In the matter of the Complaint of John L. Howard, et al., against Col. S. B. M. Young, U. S. A., Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park, California. [1896]
Davidson, D. S.; Hodge, F. W. (Editor): Indian Notes and Monographs: A Series of Publications Relating to the American Aborigines; Family Hunting Territories in Northwestern North America
Parker, Cora (Designer): The Book of Friendship
The Fleischmann Distilling Corporation: Fleischmann's Mixer's Manual
Democratic National Committee: Original Campaign Publication - "Leadership for the 60's: Kennedy for President"
Aldine Co.?; Democrats for Nixon: Two Original Campaign Bumper Stickers - "Kennedy" and "Democrats for Nixon"
Winter, Margaret: Original Print - "Road Through the Desert"
Commercial Advertiser Pub. Co: Original Promotional Broadside - "$25,000 in Cash Given Away Thursday, May 2, 1889, Detroit Commercial Advertiser."
Tedrick, Christopher; Tedrick, George: Original Handwritten and Printed Bond Between Christopher Tedrick, George Tedrick, and Jacob T. Towson, Virginia and Maryland, 1802
Starbird, Albion Wilson: Original Printed Land Deed for Albion Wilson Starbird, Willamette Meridian and Roseburg, Oregon, 1909
Collection of Twelve Original Photographs of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire
Collection of Five Original Folk Art Drawings from Santos, Brazil, circa 1926
Hellman, Lillian; The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater; Eaglet Theater: Original Program - "The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater Presents, Watch On The Rhine: A Play in Three Acts; Eaglet Theater, 1419 H Street, Sacarmento, Calif."
Donald R. Fleming (Editor), Lawton Kennedy (Printer), et al: Mountain Passes and Trails of California
Gilder, J. L. (Editor); Gilder, J. B. (Editor): The Critic: Holmes Number, Vol. II, No. 35, August 30, 1884
Lifelong Learning. Vol. V, Berkeley, January 6, 1936, No. 23. John Masefield, Poet Laureate of England
Original Printed and Handwritten Marriage License Between Manuel Lee and Margaret Rogers, Sacramento County, 1912
Raschen, Henry (Illustration); O'Day, Frank F. (Text); Nash, John Henry (Printer): A Bodoni Keepsake; The art of printing sadly needed a master in the middle of the eighteenth century ...
Original Broadside - "The Program of Visit and Souvenir of the King & Queen of Italy"
Original Broadside - "Columbus Day Celebration, Aquatic Park, Foot of Van Ness Ave., Sunday, October 11th, 1931"
Ryan & McPhillips, The Kimball Store: Original Calendar - "With the Best Wishes of Ryan & McPhillips, The Kimball Store, Kimball, South Dakota; Glorious Night"
Original Political Poster - "Dump Reagan Rally; Reagan's Gotta Go!; Saturday, November 3, 7 PM; Oakland Tech Auditorium, 4351 Broadway at 42nd St., Oakland"
Hoquiam Water Co: Original Calendar - "Hoquiam Water Co.; Life's Greatest Gift: A Year of Time"
Harper's Magazine: Original Broadside - "Harper's; The German Struggle for Liberty; July"
California State Life Insurance Company: Original Life Insurance Policy Issued Under the California State Life Insurance Policy to Mary Ellen Martin, San Jose, California, 1917
Original Engraving - "Monument of Queen Elizabeth."
Original Engraving - "Remains of Prince Rupert's Residence, In 1796. Beech Lane, Barbican"
Original Engraving - "St. Peter's Church. Walworth, Built 1824."
Original Engraving - "Tomb of Henry the Seventh, North Side."
Beulan, Sarkis Haig: Original Print by Sarkis Haig Beulan - Untitled [Portrait of Calvin Coolidge with Other United States Presidents in the Background]
Everson, William; Mackintosh, Graham (Printer): Original Broadside - "Earth Poetry"
Original Engraving - "St. Paul's, Covent Garden, West Front in 1776."
Holbein, Hans (Hans Holbein the Younger): Original Engraving - "Sir Thomas More and Family."
Original Engraving - "Monument of Lord Mansfield."
Underwood & Underwood: Original Stereocard Photograph - "Yosemite Falls (2,700 ft. high--30 ft. stream) the grandest of the many Falls of Yosemite Valley, California"
Original Portrait Photograph - Untitled [Faculty, Arden School, Sacramento, 1953-1954]
Hewelcke, Edwin?: Original Photograph - Untitled [Musical Performance at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, c. 1940s]
Original Portrait Photograph - "Cherrylee School, El Monte, 1st Grade, April 1951"
F. H. Maude & Co: Original Photograph - "A South. California Flock" [Sheep in a Field]
Collection of Three Original Photographs of Stanford University's Inner Quad, c. 1899
Original Printed Publicity Photograph/Flyer, Sacramento, 1935-1936 - "Fox Hippodrome Starts Saturday; Will Rogers in 'In Old Kentucky' ... also Jack Benny in 'It's in the Air"
Angell Matthewson et al: Mohawk Valley Register. Three Signed Sales Agreements and Nineteen Related Signed Receipts. Fort Plain, New York, 1859-1863
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