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Concise Dictionary of American Biography (2 Volumes) Knapp, William I: Life, Writings and Correspondence of George Borrow, 1803-1881 (2 Volumes) Armstrong, Elizabeth et al: Tyler Graphics: The Extended Image
Thane, Eric: The Majestic Land: Peaks, Parks & Prevaricators of the Rockies & Highlands of the Northwest Livingston County Historical Society; Lockwood R. Doty: A History of the Treaty of Big Tree & an Account of the Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Making of the Treaty .. Alberti, Luciano: Music of the Western World
Clark, Simeon Tucker: My Garden Benson, Donald C: A Smoother Pebble: Mathematical Explorations Simpson, Juliet: Jules Flandrin, 1871-1947: The Other Fin de Siecle
Wondrausch, Mary: Mary Wondrausch on Slipware Baldwin, Gordon & Judith Keller: Nadar Warhol: Paris New York. Photography and Fame Wilson, Everett B: America East: Its Architecture and Decoration
Carrieri, Joseph R: Child Custody, Foster Care and Adoptions Creen, Linette: A Taste of Cuba: Recipes from the Cuban-American Community Zahar, Elie: Einstein's Revolution: A Study in Heuristic
Macleod, William: Harper's New York and Erie Rail-Road Guide Book: Containing a Description of the Scenery, Rivers, Towns Villages .. Tupper, Martin F: Proverbial Philosophy Potter-Efron, Ronald T. & Patricia S. Potter-Efron (eds.): Aggression, Family Violence and Chemical Dependency
Olson, David H. (Ed.): Familty Perspectives in Child and Youth Services Armstrong-Dailey, Ann & Sarah Zarbock Goltzer (Eds.): Hospice Care for Children Cooper, James Fenimore: The American Democrat
Tashjian, Dickran: Skyscraper Primitives: Dada and the American Avant-Garde, 1910-1925 Cappellazo, Amy and Elizabeth Licata (Eds.): In Company: Robert Creeley's Collaborations Wood, John: The Photographic Arts
Modica, Andrea: Andrea Modica: At the Edge of Fiction (Contact Sheet 111) Morris, Wright: The Cat's Meow El Cossos Perduts: Fotografia I Surrealistes
Moffatt, Tracey: Tracey Moffatt: Laudanum Gronert, Stefan & Urs Stahel: Dunja Evers: ZustäNde / Constellations Meschede, Friedrich (ed.): Willie Doherty: Extracts from a File
Herzig, Susan & Paul Hertzmann (Eds.); Peter Palmquist (Essay): Dassonville: William E. Dassonville, California Photographer (1879-1957) Brukoff, Barry: Barry Brukoff Divola, John: John Divola
Wagner, Cathrerine: Catherine Wagner: Photographs 1976-1986 Turyn, Ann & Andy Grundberg: Missives: Dear Pen Pal, Lessons & Notes, Dear John, Flashbulb Memories Tucker, Jean S: Landscape Perspectives Photographic Studies
Grosskurth, Phyllis: Byron: The Flawed Angel Welling, William B: Photography in America: The Formative Years 1839-1900 - A Documentary History Schumach, Murray: The Face on the Cutting Room Floor: The Story of Movie and Television Censorship
White, Stephen & Andreas Bluhm: The Photograph and the American Dream, 1840-1940 Molon, Dominic & Norman Bryson: Sharon Lockhart Schroder, Timothy B: The Gilbert Collection of Gold and Silver
Grant, Michael: Readings in the Classical Historians Lynch, John: Massacre in the Pampas, 1872: Britain and Argentina in the Age of Migration Power, Eileen: Medieval Women
Jerrold, Walter: The Silvery Thames Ayrton, Maxwell & Arnold Silcock: Wrought Iron and Its Decorative Use Alden, Edward C: Fifty Water-Colour Drawings of Oxford Reproduced in Colour
Austin, Alfred: Haunts of Ancient Peace Silberrad, Una & Sophie Lyall; Mima Nixon: Dutch Bulbs and Gardens Omond, George W.T.; Amedee Forestier: Liege and the Ardennes
Home, Gordon: Normandy: The Scenery and Romance of Its Ancient Towns Schmidt, Carl: The Victorian Era in the United States Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro: A Miscellany on the Shin Teaching of Buddhism
House, Homer D: Wild Flowers of New York Lawrence, D.H: Last Poems Lyon, G.F: The Private Journal of Captain G.F. Lyon of H.M.S. Hecla During the Recent Voyage of Discovery Under Captain Parry 1821-1823
Malinowski, Sharon, & Anna Sheets (Eds.): The Gale Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes (4 Volumes) Mcelney, Brian Shane: The Museum of East Asian Art Inaugural Exhibition: Volume 1 - Chinese Ceramics Mcelney, Brian Shane: The Museum of East Asian Art Inaugural Exhibition: Volume 2 - Chinese Metalwares and Decorative Arts,
Krutnik, Frank: Inventing Jerry Lewis Idol, John L: Thomas Wolfe: Literary Masters Volume 13 Lehan, Richard: Sister Carrie: Literary Masterpieces Volume 7
Defazio, Albert J: The Sun Also Rises: Literary Masterpieces Volume 2 Ludington, Townsend (editor): A Modern Mosaic: Art and Modernism in the United States Clayton, Virginia Tuttle et al: Drawing on America's Past: Folk Art, Modernism and the Index of American Design
(International Lead Zinc Research Organization): Lead Glazes for Dinnerware Herbert, Robert L: From Millet to Leger: Essays in Social Art History Chramosta, Walter M: Helmut Richter: Bauten und Projekte / Buildings and Projects
Bouret, Jean: Degas Cabanne, Peirre: Degas Dancers Anthony, Edgar Waterman: Romanesque Frescoes
Bretell, Richard R. & Suzanne Folds McCullagh: Degas in the Art Institute of Chicago Cook, R.M: Greek Art: Its Development, Character and Influence Pope-Hennessy, John et al: Victoria and Albert Museum Yearbook 1969: Number One
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