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Written by de MIGUEL CERVANTES, OZELL's Revision of Translation by Peter Motteux; Intro by Herschel Brickell, Pricelipped DJ but 95 cents on Inner Flap intact, Rockwell Kent endpapers in Green OF STREAMER MAN: DON QUIXOTE:THE INGENIOUS GENTLEMAN Complete & Unabridged ,ML #174, , 1930, , STATED 1ST Modern Library edition on copyright pg, In EARLY Orange & Beige Dustjacket of Man Standing with hand on Hip priced at 95 Cents Edith Wharton, Inner DJ Flap priceClipped but 95 cents Intact,Grey & White KENT Endpapers Streamer man Running: The Age of Innocence, 1943, Stated 1st Modern Library Edition on copyright pg In COLOR Dustjacket of Horse Drawn Carriages & Tall Brownstones & people walking on Sidewalks, ML#229 by John Steinbeck, BLANK ENDPAPERS FOXED, Title & Next pg have small Round CLEAR Embossement STAMP, Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but 95 CENTS INTACT Creased: In Dubious Battle, ML#115, Stated First Modern Library Edition 1939 on Copyright pg. NOVEL set in the California apple country-portrays a strike by migrant workers that metamorphoses from principled defiance into blind Fanaticism
William M. Makepeace Thackeray, INNER DJ FLAP PRICELIPPED shows 95 Cents ALMOST DETACHED but has been Mended underneath with Clear TAPE, Orange & White ENDPAPER streamer Man running has small star Stamp on back 1,: The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. ML#80, 1936, STATED 1st Modern Library edition on Copyright pg, in Green 7 White Dustjacket of man in Formal Attire Bowing to Lady in Long Dress Outside Alexander Dumas, introduction by Edmund Gosse, Bernhard endpapers grey & white of Man running with Streamer ;PriceClipped but 95 cents Intact inner Flap as well as on Back DJ: CAMILLE , Modern Library #69 DJ Spine,French classic novel. In English. in 95 cents priced Dustjacket of Girl with Black Hair & Red flower in it, seated in Open Air Carriage in Blue Dress Holding Hat WITH MAN in Top Hat & Beard Holding reins GERTRUDE SMITH, Illustrated Elsie D. Drake, B/W FRONTISPIECE,: Jolly Polly , Stories about six year old Jolly Polly who believes that EVERYTHING talks, sings or whistles. in Royal Blue Dustjacket TITLED IN GOLD but DJ Flap Glued to Endpapers & Cannot be Removed without Tearing it, altho it can be Folded Out
EMILE ZOLA, With an introduction by Ernest Boyd. BERNHARD DESIGN ENDPAPERS, Inner DJPricelipped but 95 CENTS INTACT: NANA, ML# 142.1, 1928, STATED 1st MODERN LIBRARY edition ON COPYRIGHT PG, IN EARLY DUSTJACKET OF Beautiful WOMAN ON FRONT IN Brown WITH CURLS & HAT Katherine Mansfield, Inner DJ Priceclipped but 95 cents intact, in Green & B&W DJ by L. Trevisan ,Orange & White Rockwell Kent endpapers of Running Stremer Man,: The Garden Party; in Green & B&W Art Deco DJ by L. Trevisan OF WOMANS HEAD IN LARGE B/W HAT with Flowers ,ML #129, 1931, Stated 1st Modern Library edition on copyright pg, LORD BYRON, AKA LORD GEORGE GORDON BYRON, Introduction by Louis Kronenberger, Inner DJ flap has $1.25 INTACT WITH FOX TO FOLD EDGE, Grey & White Rockwell Kent endpaper running Streamer Man,: DON JUAN , ML #24, 1949, States first modern library 1949 on copyright page, in Red & Beige Dj with Knight by Castle in B/W This "glowing narrative poem,"
THOMAS HARDY, Yellow & White endpapers light Scuff Mark: JUDE THE OBSCURE, MODERN LIBRARY No. 135.1, 1927, STATED 1ST MLEDITION ON COPYRIGHT PG ,One of the most brilliant novels of all time. the last completed of Thomas Hardy's Novel Harold L. Peterson, Inner DJ flap Priceclipped, general Editor Claude Blair, List of plates, Illustrated B/W: Daggers and Fighting Knives of the Western World: From the Stone Age till 1900, ARMS & ARMOUR SERIES, This first edition of 90 pages has 108 photographs to supplement the text, Voltaire, [Francois Marie Arouet] (1694 - 1778) ,Intro by Philip Littell, frontispiece of Voltaire: Candide in Blue, B/W DJ of Naked man Tied to Post & another Standing holding Rope, ML#47 Copyright states it was first publ. in 1920 in ML and the plates Soondestroyed
Gertrude Stein, introduction by Carl Van Vechten, Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but 95 Cents Intact, Orange & White Rockwell Kent Endpapers: 3 Lives Three Lives,1933, Stated First ML Edition on Copyright pg, a series of three (3) short stories The Good Anna, Melanctha and The Gentle Lena, MODERN LIBRARY #211.1, Edgar Rice Burroughs, blank endpapers & Half Tiltle pencling & ink notes, MISSING Frontispiece, four sepia full page plates by J. Allen St. John are glossy. illustrated Thruou B/W 12 full-page chapter head illustrations & other 4 are Glossy: Jungle Tales of Tarzan Series #6 ( First Edition, 1st Printing, 1st Binding ) Jungle Tales is one of the best Burroughs titles and features Tarzan and many other characters of the primeval jungles of Africa Edgar Rice Burroughs,4 Illustrated full page plates by J. Allen St. John, FORMER OWNER Name Date on Amtor Map Illustrated Endpapers, B/W Frontispiece Spreading His Powerful Wings, he rose , while Duare stretched her hands toward Me: Pirates of VENUS with Lioncloth Male with Long Sword & Sleighing Man & Large Spider by cobweb on front of Red, B/W Dustjacket art by Sam Sigaloff.,
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Illustrated full page plates by Larry Ivie, X-LIBRARY, FORMER OWNER Name Date on Blank Rubbed CHIPPED Endpapers, Inner Hinges Starting Slightly Inner DJ Flap $2.95 Sticker: Gods of Mars ,with Lioncloth Male with Long Sword Scaling Mounside on front of Red, B/W Dustjacket art Edgar Rice Burroughs, Illustrated full page plates by Mahlon Blaine with Frontispice in B/W, X-LIBRARY, FORMER OWNER Name Date on Blank Rubbed CHIPPED Endpapers, Inner Hinges Starting Slightly, Inner DJ Flap $2.95 Sticker: A Fighting Man of Mars WITH 2 MEN IN Warrior COSTUMES & SWORDS FIGHTING on front of Red, B/W Dustjacket art , seventh volume of Burroughs' Mars novels. One of only three Mars books published by Canaveral Edgar Rice Burroughs, 7 Illustrated full page GLOSSY plates by J. Allen St. John opposite PG 8, 32, 96,160, 256,288, 320 which is different from from Illustration list Numerically, FORMER OWNER Name Date on BlankFoxed Endpapers: Tarzan & Golden Lion ,in Yellow Dustjacket with Black Lettering & Red Outlined in Black
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Glossy B/W Frontispiece by J. Allen St. John This Time a Kavuru Fell, Blank Endpapers Former Owner Name , Date light small stamp, NOT Illustrated, Back Inner Flap DJ Lists 22 Titles Thru Carson of Venus: TARZAN'S QUEST in wraparound Color Dustjacket cover art by J. Allen St. John of wrap- around illustration of jaguars and some natives holding a young woman while looking at several parachutists in the distance, nineteenth Tarzan novel Madeline Brandeis, in Color Dustjacket by Howard Church, o, B/W Glossy Photo Frontispiece, RED & WHITE ILLUSTRATED ENDPAPERS Light Fox tiny Sticker, Illustrated by B/W Glossy Photo graphic Illustrations taken with her Big Reflex Camera called Ref: The Little Mexican Donkey Boy, Children of All Lands Stories, in Color Dustjacket by Howard Church, of boy with Sarape & Yellow Shirt & Hats, Pots & Donkey Standing with red Blanket, CHARMING STORY of Mexican Boy Hero, Named Dodo, or Sleepy-Head & His Madeline Brandeis, in Color Dustjacket by Howard Church, , B/W Glossy Photo Frontispiece, RED & WHITE ILLUSTRATED ENDPAPERS Light Fox tiny Sticker,: The WEE SCOTCH PIPER, Children of All Lands Stories, in Color Dustjacket of MAN Holding White Lamb & Boy with Bagpipes & Kilt Near Field of Sheep CHARMING STORY of Music Loving Ian, the Young son of Scotch Shepherd, eaned his longed for Bagpipes & his m
Lafcadio Hearn, Introduction by Manuel Komroff. 95 CENTS ON BACK OF DJ & Front Inner Flap that is Tiny PriceClipped, Yellow & White Bernhard Endpapers running Man with Former owner name Ink: Some Chinese Ghosts, , "First Modern Library Edition, 1927" Stated on copyright page, ,Contains six of Hearn's ghost stories, ML #130.1, In EARLY Green & White Dustjacket of running Torch Bearer Lilla Stirling, ,Inner DJ Flap $2.95 & Printed specially for members of Parents Magazine?s Book Club for Children, , Illustrated Kurt Werth,: THE STOWAWAY PIPER in Bagpipes & Highland dress were forbidden by law in Scotland, so Dougal Donald Macdonald took his pipes & his kilt & hid on the Rose of Scotland & sailed to the New World in search of his uncle, A delightful easy-to-read Story by Leo Edwards ,Inner DJ Flap original Price Intact 50 cents, Red & white pictorial endpapers, Inner hinges slight starting, Illustrated Bert Salg, NO Frontispiece, FORMER OWNER STAMP back blank Flyleaf: Poppy Ott & Co. Inferior Decorators by Leo Edwards, childs Series # 9 with LASER COPY Color Dustjacket of 2 Boys in a barn , 1 in elevated haystack on Stomach
Kurt Singer, SIGNED & INSCRIBED by Author to Max Liebman, Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact 15/- NET, 47 b/w photographs on plates. Glossy B/WFrontispiece Charles Laughton: The Charles Laughton Story ( Hollywood Actor ) BRITISH ACTOR, Star of Private Life Henry VIII, Barretts of Wimpole Street, Les Miserables, Mutiny on Bounty, CANTERVILLE GHOST, Department of Public Utilities & Transportation: Telephone Directory of los Angeles City offices, January 1966 , Van Nuys, West Valley, West Los angeles , Venice, San Pedro, Fire, Library , with separate small Directory San Pedro & Harbor Department, includes Dept of Traffic, C.S. Forester, Brief gift inscription on the Grey & White running Streamer Man flyleaf, Inner DJ Flap Tiny Priceclipped but Original Price 95 Cents INTACT: The African Queen,ML#102 ON DJ SPINE, 1940. STATED 1ST Modern Library edition on Copyright pg. jacket lists 300 previous titles on back and 95 cents per copy,
GORDON STUART, Tiny corner chip on Half Title pg with Fox, Inner DJ Flap Original Price intact 25 Cents: TEX LOSES HIS TEMPER in Color Dustjacket of 2 Cowboys 1 in Red Shirt & Blue scarf & Other Purple hat & Green Scarf & Cowboy Hats out in Desert with Gun, A western for young readers. There is plenty of excitement for boys of Chichua, Texas, by Dorothy Whitehill, B/W Illustrated by Thelma Gooch , Glossy B/W frontispiece. FORMER OWNER STAMPS ON ENDPAPER with small dogears, & STICKERS ON Inner DJ Flap Lists Thru Twins Avisiting: Twins Summer Vacation, The, SERIES #5 , A novel for young people. in RARE Color Dustjacket, , twins have a charm all their own. at first each of them grows up without knowing of the existence of the other, Joseph Slate,, SIGNED BY Illustrator Ashley Wolff on Blue Endpapers, INNER DJ FLAP PRICECLIPPED, Bright and colourful illustrations., TITLE PG CORNER CREASE: Miss Bindergarten Stays Home From Kindergarten (Miss Bindergarten Books) SIGNED BY ILLUSTRATOR, Poor Miss Bindergarten comes down with the FLU on Sunday and knows she won't be well Enough
Mark Mccord, Written & color Illustrated: Rattlebang: The Parable of the Good Samaritan Retold with a Bang, Your child will delight in this story of the old, loveable truck RattleBang, And you'll love your child's learning Jesus' message "Love your neighbor as yourself, Dale M. Titler, Illustrated by Robert Jenney, Black Endpapers, With b&w illustrations. $5.95 on inner DJ Flap: Haunted Treasures, Mysterious Marshfield Phantom has been clearly sighted in stately Mansion in Massachusetts built by Daniel Phillips in 1750. From England to Texas and plenty of spots in between. Red, B/W Dust Jacket None Listed, Illustrated B/W: Lives, Adventures Exploits Frank and Jesse James with an account of the Tragic Death of Jesse James April 3d, 1882, THE LAST DARING FEATS OF THE JAMES CONFEDERACY, IN THE ROBBERY AND MURDER ON THE ROCK ISLAND TRAIN, JULY 14TH, 1881; AND AT GLENDALE, MO.,
Richard Coke Wood, FORMER OWNER STAMP back Blank Endpaper, Blue illustration Sketch of old Sperry?s Hotel drawn by Mrs. Dave Matthews on front cvr , illustrated in Plain b/W & Glossy B/W, Preface: Murphy's Queen of the Sierra A History of Murphys Calaveras County , California, notes and bibliography, with Fold Out B/W Glossy map of Murphy's in 1876 , Murphy Brothers John & Daniels Mined for GOLD here. TOWN ESTABLISHED HERE WAS 1ST CALLED Stoutenb by Selma Lagerlof (1858 -1940 ), written by Helen Ferris, Translated by Velma Swanston Howard, Illustrated Johan Bull, Glossy B/W Frontispiece of Selma. FORMER OWNER STAMP & Ink Name Blank Endpapers, Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped WITH RUB WEAR CREASE FOLD: Diary of Selma Lagerlof, The, 15 yr. old Selma in Stockholm, Sweden with a lame leg from paralysis Later became Nobel Prize Winner for Literature, The concluding volume of Selma Lagerlof's childhood exquisite& Revealing journals Oscar Wilde, Introduction by Edgar Saltus, original price on jacket FLAP is $0.95 & ON BACK DJ, INNER HINGES STARTING SLIGHTLY CRACKED, Orange & White Running streamer man Endpapers: Plays Of Oscar Wilde (The) UNDATED around 1934, STATED NEW MODERN LIBRARY EDITION ON COPYRIGHT PG, 1st edition, with DJ Price 95 CENTS, BACK DJ MENTIONS 225 TITLES, in Red & White DJ with red lines at top & btm front DJ, ML#83, INCLUDES Salome - Etc
Glenn Clark, SIGNED & Inscribed by Lao Russell, near back of book in Margin, FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpapers which has Protective Mylar Cvr TAPED TO IT, Illustrated in B/W Photos,: Man Who Tapped The Secrets OF The universe, STORY OF LIFE OF Dr. WALTER RUSSELL, was Painter , Sculptor, Author founded, the University of Science and Philosophy (USP) died in 1963 at age 92, He was Leonardo da Vinci of our time & a Adm. Robert E. Peary ( admiral ) Engravings of Photographs, The Snow Baby,profusely illustrated with numerous engravings of photographs by Commander Peary and of drawings by Albert Operti. BLANK ENDPAPERS Former Owner STAMP: Snowland Folk -The Eskimos, the Bears, the Dogs, the Musk Oxen, and Other Dwellers in the Frozen North. juvenile adventure in northern Greenland Peter Berresford Ellis, Literary Sleuth AKA Peter Tremayne , FORMER OWNER STAMP ON BACK Blank Endpaper , Talbot Mundy was [pseudonym of William Lancaster Gribbon] Dust Wrapper artwork by Ned Dameron, Inner DJ Flap Price markout, B/W Frontispiece Foto of A: The Last Adventurer. The Life of Talbot Mundy. 1879-1940. He was Englishman who became American Citizen. Wrote Adventure Fiction, His best writings, a magic blend of high adventure and strange mysticism, include some of the finest fiction ever written,
Walter De La Mare, Illustrated by Dorothy P. Lathrop in color & b/w, FRONT Inner Flap & DJ Spine area Entirely Missing & DJ Front is TAPED TO Blank Endpaper, butBack DJ Flap is Present, Introduction: Mr. Bumps & His Monkey , Childrens Misc. Stories , Front of DJ Nice with Monkey Holding Scelpter & wearing Red Cape & White plume, he story of Mr. Bumps' talking monkey., 69 numbered pages with six full page color illustrations (counting title page) Created & Illustrated Color by William Wiesner, pictorial endpapers with Spiral Bound with 1st pg completely Loose: Animated ABC Alphabet ( with Moveables where you Pull Tab to Operate ) Robert Penn WARREN , Grey & White decorative endpapers Runniing Streamer Man, Inner DJ Flap top corner $1.25 a copy No. 170 edge Creased, Back DJ Inner Flap Lists 4 Titles ends with Appointment in Samarra CORNER CREASE: All the King's Men. ML#170, novel won the 1947 Pulitzer Prize. 1953, Stated 1st MODERN LIBRARY Edition on Copyright pg, Pictorial dust jacket of B/W Crowd Scene of Men & Women
Norman Mailer,born Long Branch, NJ in 1923, Grey & White Rockewll Kent Running Streamer Man, INNER DJ Flap PriceClipped, B/W Frontispiece Anopopei: The Naked and the Dead. 1ST MODERN LIBRARY EDITION 1961, This is one of the Unmarked Firsts. It has all the points in the DJ and is a Toledano Style 8 binding, Verso DJ shows 403 titles DOROTHY PARKER, Inner DJ Flap Pricclipped but sticker reads $1.10, Grey & White Streamer running Man Endpapers: COLLECTED POETRY OF DOROTHY PARKER ,ML #237.,1944 Stated 1st Modern Library edition on Copyright pg, 303 titles on DJ VERSO, Includes Death & Taxes, Sunset Gun, Lewis Carroll , 1832- 1898, Intro by Alexander Woolcott, Original ILLUST B/W JOHN TENNIEL, INDEX, FOXING to blank endpapers, Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped but Back Flap Lists G1 War & Peace Thru G43 Intelligence in Modern World: Complete Works of Lewis Carroll , STATED 1ST Modern Library EDITION, 1936 on copyright pg,#G28 in Early Green & B/W Dustjacket with Various Characters surrounding a Listing of Titles in White Box
Aldous Huxley , Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped but 95 cents Price Intact, ORANGE & WHITE ROCKWELL KENT ENDPAPERS RUNNING STREAMER MAN HAS FORMER OWNER Name & Date: ANTIC HAY, Modern Library #209 (Toledano #7) STATED FIRST MODERN LIBRARY EDITION 1933. in Red, black & Beige Dustjacket of 6 Theatrical faceMasks Lewis Carroll , Intro by Alexander Woollcott, ,ILLUST B/W JOHN TENNIEL, INDEX,Small gift note on the ffep, Front Inner DJ Flap Chipping to Btm left AT FOLD NOT affecting Print, Back Inner Flap Lists Thru G77 An Anthology of Famous American Stories: Complete Works of Lewis Carroll, EARLY 1940 Edition Blue Teal Cloth, , G28 Modern Library Giant EDITION, WITH FALL 1954 RED Dustjacket G28 WITH ALICE AT TOP LEFT HOLDING CURTAIN & Mad Hatter in Big Tall Hat Holding a Cup & Running at Btm Right. Ment Maurice RHEIMS ,Blue Endpapers, Inner Dj Flap original price intact $6.95, DJ design by Penelope Ansley, Translated from French by David Pryce-Jones, Lavishly illustrated with 48 reproductions in Halftone,: The Strange Life Of Objects 35 Centuries of Art Collecting & Collectors. Includes Prices, Index, Appendix,analysis of sale prices, price of gold vs. wages chart, tells about what happens to objects of art after
LEWIS CARROLL, B/W Illustrated by Tenniel, Light Fade wrinkle to BRODSKY M&L Endpapers with Name & Ink Date with tiny Edge Chip, BOOKPLATE TO BACK Front Endpaper, B/W Frontispiece,BONI & LIVERIGHT , NY ON TITLE PG: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; Through the Looking Glass and The Hunting of the Snark , 1st Modern Library Edition, 1ST PRINTING, 1924, BONI & LIVERIGHT LETTERS B&L on Front Green FLEXIBLE Leather Lewis Carroll , 1832- 1898, Intro by Alexander Woolcott, Original ILLUST B/W JOHN TENNIEL, INDEX, FOXING & Former Owner inscription to blank Endpapers, Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped BUT $1.10 Price at Btm Intact: Complete Works of Lewis Carroll , STATED 1ST Modern Library EDITION, 1936 on copyright pg, 245 Titles Back DJ & $1.10 Inner DJ Flap, #G28 in Green & B/W Dustjacket with Various Characters surrounding a Listing of Titles in White Box Illustrated thruout Kate Greenaway in color, Beautiful pictorial Endpapers of Floral, coloured Frontispiece: Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes ( contains Little Betty Blue , Billy Boy Blue, Here Am I, Humpty Dumpty, Ring-a-Ring-a-Roses, As I Was Growing Up, ETC )
Maugham, W. Somerset,, The dust jacket has original $1.25 price intact, Grey& White endsheets Rockwell Kent running Streamer Man, Back Inner Dj Flap Lists 4 Titles starts with of Human Bondage & ends with Fortitude by Walpole: Cakes and Ale, Modern Library # 270 on DJ Spine. First Modern Library Edition 1950, Stated. in B/W & Gold DJ, BACK OF DUSTJACKET MENTIONS OVER 300 TITLES by William Saroyan with new Preface. , GREY & WHITE ROCKWELL KENT ENDPAPERS, DJ PRICECLIPPED but priced 95 cents INTACT: The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze and Other Stories, Saroyan's first published book title. Short Stories .ML #92,1941, Stated 1st Modern Library Edition, BACK DJ MENTIONS OVER 250 GREAT TITLES , Saroyan's first published book of short stories ILLUSTRATED 64 black & white plates Aubrey Beardsley, with biographical essay and artistic introduction by Arthur Symons .SEPIA Portrait Frontispiece of Beardsley Priceclipped but 95 CENTS INNER DJ FLAP intact,: The Art of Aubrey Beardsley in Beige Dustjacket with Blue Lines at Top & Bottom, 159 books mentioned on back of DJ with pre zipcode Coupon
Fyodor DOSTOYEVSKY, FIODOR (FYODOR), Written by (1821-1881) Translated PREFACE by Constance Garnett. Glued in Photo of author on blank pg, opposite pg 1, Russian Writer and Essayist, known for his Novels: The Brothers Karamazov, translated by Constance Garnett, STATED 1ST Modern Library Edition on Copyright pg, 1929 , ML#151, in Early Vintage DJ IN RED, B/W 0F 3 BROTHERS STANDING, with 210 books mentioned back DJ Douglas, Norman, (1868-1952) was an English author, 95 CENTS ON BACK OF DJ, Grey & White running Streamer man Rockwell Kent Endpapers: South Wind , #5 in the Modern Library series., IN RED & BLUE & B/W DJ OF TOWN AT BASE MOUNTAIN PEAKS, 95 CENTS ON BACK OF DJ & 250 TITLES MENTIONED BACK OF DJ, IRVING STONE, INNER DJ FLAP PriceClipped but 95 Cents Intact Light wear crease, Blank Endpapers FOXED: LUST FOR LIFE, A Novel Based on the Life of Vincent Van Gogh. This classic story is the Modern Library #11. 1939, Stated first modern library edition, 265 Titles Listed Back of DJ with 95 Cents
Read by Helen Hayes, written & Produced by Elizabeth Roberts: Helen Hayes First Lady of the American Theater Cassette Tape Audio National Public Radio ( Digital Recording Unabridged) 1986, Spotlight She reflects on distinguished 80 year career in show business From Silent Films to Broadway Dubose Heyward ; INNER DJ FLAP Priceclipped but 95 CENTS INTACT, Orange & White Rockwel Kent running streamer man BOOKPLATE attached, Illustrated with B/W pictorial chapter titles: PORGY, ML number 148) in Pink & white DJ with illustration on front & PINK lines at top & btm front DJ, 1934, STATED 1ST Modern Library EDITION ON COPYRIGHT PG, 225 books mentioned on back & on verso of DJ, Nye, Robert: Merlin a Novel
LION FEUCHTWANGER, Written by (1884-1958) German-Jewish novelist and playwright; SIGNED by the author on the title page, Translated by Willa and Edwin Muir,: POWER or (Jud Süß) ML# 206.1, 1932, Stated 1st Modern Library Edition, Signed by the author on the title page , The number of the listed titles is 210 and it appears on the back panel, REd & white DJ with man on front with hands tied behind Him Benedict Blathwayt, Color Illustrated & Written: The Little Red Train Jigsaw Book, Illustrated with five colorful jigsaw illustrations. jigsaw pieces have never been removed. , Join Duffy Driver & the Little Red Train as they speed across the countryside & piece together their adventurous Journeys with Kevin Henkes, Illustrated in Color: Lilly's Big Day , heroine Lilly is a memorable, strong-willed little mouse in her trademark red cowboy boots. Lilly assumes that when her teacher Mr Slinger gets married she will be the one chosen as the flower girl. A delightful sweet-spirited tale Ensue
Guy Vasilovich, AUTHOR ILLUSTRATOR, with Original price on back of DJ $16.99: The 13 Nights of Halloween (Hardback) THIRTEEN NIGHTS a picture book that is sure to inspire even the youngest readers to start the creepy countdown to Halloween. Sing along to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas Lori Eisenkraft-Palazzola, Colour-art Frontispiece,with colour and monochrome art illustrations throughout: Faeries: Doorways to the Enchanted Realm, Do faeries exist? In this delightful book - which restores child-like wonder and belief in dreams - an enchanting story of faery mystery and magic is presented " Contents include: Prelims., Introduction, Edith Robinson, B/W Glossy Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman, Decorated endpapers STAMP & small Pencil Rub out, B/W GLOSSY FRONTISPIECE WITH TISSUE GUARD,: A Puritan Knight Errant, Princess Series
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, INNER DJ ORIGINAL PRICE $1.10 & back DJ mentions $1.10 a Title, Grey & White running man with Streamer endpapers INK NAME: The Yearling, A Stated First Modern Library Edition on Copyright pg, 1946. in Green & Yellow Dustjacket of small boy Kneeling petting a baby Fawn Deer, ML#246 BY DAPHNE du MAURIER, Grey & White Torch Bearer running man on Endpapers Light Fox Owner name, Inner DJ Flap Pricelipped BUT shows 95 CENTS INTACT: REBECCA, #227, STATED 1st Modern Library Edition on Copyright pg,, 1943, DJ Titles indicate Spring 1943 printing -- correct for first edition; DJ Back is g in COLOR Dustjacket of Mrs. Danvers CHARLES DARWIN,, Written by English Naturalist, Inner DJ FLAP Pricecliped BUT $1 AT BTM, BLANK ENDPAPERS FOX WITH FORMER OWNER Inscription, Back Inner DJ flap Lists 10 Titles Origin Species end with Philosophy of Schopenhauer: THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES and THE DESCENT OF MAN: ML# G27. Darwin's Two Great Works Complete and Unabridged in One Volume. 1936, STATED FIRST MODERN LIBRARY EDITION, ML#G27, 242 Titles Listed on Inside & Back of DJ
Armine Von Tempski, B/W Illustrated by Paul Brown, Previous owners name DATE on first blank page Light Fox,: Pam's Paradise Ranch : A Story of Hawaii , A youth novel of girls and horses in Hawaii HARRIET OWENS ENDERLE ,ILLUSTRATED BY STEVE ENDERLE in B/W: THE ENCHANTED PUSH-CAR OR THE FAIRY'S WISH ROBERT GRAVES, Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but 95 cents INTACT, Orange & White Rockwell Kent running streamer man: I, Claudius, ML#20 on DJ Spine ,1937, Stated First Modern Library Edition on Copyright pg, Rear DJ panel notes 246 titles & Pre ZipCode Coupon, From the Autobiography of Tiberius Claudius Born B.C. 10 Murdered and Deified A.D. 54,
by Moliere, Introduction by Waldo Frank,INNER DJ FLAP PRICECLIPPED BUT 95 CENTS INTACT has small crease: Plays by Moliere; MODERN LIBRARY # 78 on DJ Spine, IN EARLY Vintage GREEN & BEIGE DJ WITH Green Lines at Top & Btm front & Titled in black, BACK DJ shows 169 titles + Pre ZIPCODE COUPON ,Includes The High-Brow Ladies, NAT FOSTER HOLMES, who has written Mysteries Novels in Pulp Magazines, Cast of Characters Roy Elliott, Young country Editor, Silas Hilton, the Banker, Duke Hennigan ,Proprietor of Happy Days Club, Tillie Thompson, OWNER OF TEA GARDEN: Tillie's Tea Garden ( a Play ) OR Tillie?s Daring Venture, Beacon Series, BUGBEE?S BEACON PLAYS, COMEDY DRAMA IN 3 ACTS, The Scene the Orchard of an old, well-to-do Home, now being converted into a Tea Garden NAT FOSTER HOLMES, who has written Mysteries Novels in Pulp Magazines, Cast of Characters Pop Dryden, Eccentric Old Chap, Allen Dryden, His son, Dave Ross, Picture Theatre Manager, Skipper,: Ten Minutes for Lunch ( a Play ) , BUGBEE?S Popular PLAYS, Three act play with plot & a Punch TAKES PLACE IN SMALL CITY IN MIDDLE WEST, interior of small Lunch counter near Railway Station,
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