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Hildegarde Hoyt Swift,; (illustrated by Lynd Ward in Color & B/W, , Tiny priceclip but Inner DJ Flap $2.75, Double pg B/W & a color Frontispiece, EX-LIBRARY Usual wear,: Little Blacknose: The story of a pioneer, locomotive railroad train made for NY Central Railroad & shown in Waiting room of Grand Central Staion in NYC, Fictional history of railroading, LYDIA & Don FREEMAN, Illustrated with color drawings by the author. EX-LIBRARY USUAL WEAR STAMPS ETC, Color Frontispiece of Train: Chuggy and the Blue Caboose , Chuggy was an engine, he worked hard all nite long, switching, hitching pushing & pulling freight cars, etc,, Chuggy, the old engine, DOROTHY CLARKE WILSON, SIGNED on Blank Endpaper, Inner DJ Flap $3.95: JEZEBEL in Color Dustjacket of Beautiful BIBLICAL evil wicked Phoenician Princess rides with her wedding train through parched desert to Israel to marry Prince Ahab.,
Honore de Balzac. Orange & White Rockwell Kent Endpapers, Priceclipped but 95 Cents on INNER DJ Flap: DROLL STORIES Complete & Unabridged, This is a first of a very desirable title. 1931, Stated 1st Modern Library edition in Dustjacket, includes King's Sweetheart, 3 clerks of St. Nicholas, Laura Bannon, ,Scratchboard 2 color Illustrations By Author, Inner DJ Flap $3.57 & back Flaps advertises for Katy & the Big Snow,B/W Illustrated Endpaper: RED MITTENS, in Dustjacket, Great children's story about Little Joe and his lost red mittens which his Mommie had knit For Him & he wore all the Time and how he finds them DR. Hyman E. Goldin , Inner DJ Flap $1.50, FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper ,Illustrated in B/W: Three Kings: The story of Saul, David and Solomon, In YELLOW & GREEN Dustjacket, as Told in Jewish Folklore ,JEWISH HEROES who ruled over all The 12 Tribes of Israel, Chapter on Queen of Sheba,
F. Scott Fitzgerald, DJ FLAP $4.50: BEAUTIFUL & DAMNED in Green & White decorated Dustjacket with Gold Trim, 1958, 1ST EDITION THUS, SCRIBNER'S Phinneas Crutch, B/W decorative line drawings by John Held, Frontis and full page plates. Drawings at top of each page: QUEEN OF SHEBA. Her Life and Times. BALKIS, in Dustjacket of Bas-Relief of her in Stone , Not a true biography but a satire (possibly by George S. Chappell CHARLES DICKENS, 1812-1870, GREY & White Rockwell Kent Endpapers, DJ FLAP $1.25, Introduction by Edward Wagenknecht: A Tale of Two Cities, Modern Library #189, 367 Titles on INVERSE OF DJ, with Coupon on back of DJ, about French Revolution,Grey & Black Plain dustjacket Titled in White
Jean Crosse Hansen, ,SIGNED Inscribed Dated 1959 on Front blank Endpaper, Inner DJ Flap $2: a Lady Wears a Rose , includes Who taught the Spider,Blue Shadows, Forbidden Fruit,Shop of Candles, Old Folks Home, No Glamour, ETC Lovely work by a poet By Rosita Forbes & Louis Gillet, Christopher Lord, Robert Norrie , TAPE Reinforcement Inner Outer Hinges,- Fully Illustrated: THE MENTOR MAGAZINE , JUNE 1926, Vol. 14 - No. 5 - Serial No. 280, Queen of Sheba - Who and What Was She? SHE & Wise KING SOLOMON of Jerusalem DR. Hyman E. Goldin, Illustrated B&W engravings.Stories from Talmud & Midrash, Initials blank Endpapers: Bible and Talmud Stories : A Biblical History for School and Home Volume 1-3, 3 Volumes, For School & Home, Midrash, with Questions,
Charles Dickens , BOOKPLATE on Orange & White Rockwell Kent running man with Streamer Endpapers, Preface, 210 books mentioned on Back of DJ with Coupon,: Posthumous Papers of Pickwick Club ( Pickwick Papers ) Stated 1st Modern Library Edition on Copyright pg, 1932, in Bluish Green & White DJ Joyce Kilmer, ILLUSTRATED BY E. MACKINSTRY OR ELIZABETH MACKINSTRY, COLOR ILLUSTRATED ENDPAPERS, GHD logo on copyright page,: Trees by Joyce Kilmer , 1925, First Illustrated Edition OF THE SINGLE POEM by E. Mackinstry OR ELIZABETH MACKINSTRY, English version by E. Powys Mathers , Translated into French from his own Arabic Text - This is English Version, b/W Frontispiece with Tissue Guard: QUEEN OF SHEBA , one of the great Oriental love stories of the world Balkis & King Solomon of Bible. FOLK TRADIITON BELONGING TO STORY TELLERS OF EAST
Theophile Gautier (1811 ? 1872) FRENCH WRITER, Yellow & White Bernhard Endpapers , INNER DJ FLAP 95 CENTS Intact, Preface, Contains original shop sticker: Mademoiselle de Maupin IN Plain LITE GREEN DJ WITH BLUE LINES AT TOP & BTM & Running Man FRONT, 1928, ,150 titles mentioned on the back DJ Paul Frischauer , Inner DJ Flap $3 , Tape Residue & Initials on blank endpapers: SO GREAT A QUEEN, Story of Esther Queen of Persia, Ancient world court of Ahasuerus King of Persia, at age 17 She was chosen new Queen EMILY POST aka ( Mrs. Price Post ) SIGNED by author Attached Bookplate Award for Good Manners, blank endpapers TAPE RESIDUE,: Emily Post's Etiquette : Blue book of Social Usage,New Edition Completely Revised ,1950, SIGNED on ATTACHED BOOKPLATE by Post reads Award for Good Manners
JOYCE KILMER , SIGNED & IINSCRIBED & Dated Jan. 14, 1915 NYC, by Joyce Kilmer,, ,death of joyce kilmer in France Aug. 1918 age 31,: TREES & OTHER POEMS , Poet Joyce Kilmer was tragically killed in World War I. SIGNED, with Loose B/W inserted picture of Author & mention of 2 of his works in clipping, JOYCE KILMER' HE WAS THE LEADING AMERICAN POET Emily Dickinson, with an Introduction by Conrad Aiken, Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact $1.25, Grey & White Running Man Endpapers,: SELECTED POEMS OF EMILY DICKINSON The Modern Library #25, First Edition STATED, 300 titles mentioned back of DJ,, Dickinson (1830-1886) spent a reclusive life in Amherst, Mass Anatole France, 1844-1924 ,son of bookseller ,Aubrey Beardsley green illustration inside boards. Translation by Mrs. John Lane , ANNIE EICHBERG, , 2/6 NET ON DJ Spine rubbed: Balthasar & Other Stories in Orange Dustjacket, King of Ethiopia & Astronomer, fallls in Love Balkis, Queen of Sheba .also includes The Cure's Mignonette,
Robert L. Lewis May, written for Montgomery Ward, COLOR Illustrated by Denver Gillen, DJ Illustration by Scott Gustafson, Inner DJ Flap $9.95, Pictorial color endpapers of Rudolph: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer FACSIMILE of 1st Edition of 1939 with same Design, Illustrations & Typeface , GOLDEN Anniversary Edition, George H. Waltz, Jr. Priceclipped but Original DJ price of $2.50 is Intact , DJ Design Hollis Holland, Author Photo on back DJ Lite Scuff: JULES VERNE Biography of Imagination DJ ONLY, NO BOOK DUSTJACKET ONLY, BIOGRAPHY OF SCIENCE FICTION WRITER LADBROKE BLACK , A scarce book by the British Aristocrat and Science Fiction Writer, B/W GLOSSYphotographs and illustrations. Blank endpapers light Fox , SPINE DJ 12/6 NET PRICE,: SOME QUEER PEOPLE ,A scarce book by the British aristocrat and science fiction writer, A gallery of Queerest Eccentrics -12 of them ranging from King William IV to Edgar Allan Poe,
John O?Hara ,Introduction by Lionel Trilling, Inner Flap Priceclipped, GREY & WHITE Running man Endpapers: Selected Short Stories John O?Hara , 1st modern LIBRARY #211 IN WHITE DJ WITH Black, Blue & Red titles , collection of 32 short stories by the American master of the Genre Noel de Vic Beamish IN ENGLISH, Taken from the Arabian, INNER DJ Flap 12/6 NET: The Quest of Love: IN Color Illustrated DUSTJACKET, The romance of Balkis, Queen of Sheba, her life and loves, LOVER OF KING SOLOMON in Jerusalem as told in Arabian Legends Mark Collins Jenkins , SIGNED & INSCRIBED, Inner DJ Flap $25, Black Endpapers, Front Cvr Design Melissa Farris, DJ DESIGN Cameron ZOTTER: Vampire Forensics,Uncovering the Origins of an Enduring Legend, Signed, AS SEEN ON National Geographic Channel, Mark Jenkins' engrossing history draws on the latest science,
Claude A. LA BELLE, Blank endpapers PENCIL NAME foxed ENDPAPERS, With B /W GLOSSY FRONTISPIECE matches Cover: BAILEY TWINS AT SUMMER CAMP SERIES #3, HARDBACK NODJ Howard R. Garis, TITLE PAGE MISSING, Water Stains Thruout & AROUND COVER Edges,Color Illustrations by Louis Wisa, with Blank Margin water stains, 31 Chapters, Inner Hinges Cracked: UNCLE WIGGLY & JACKO JUMPO KINKYTAIL VINTAGE BOOK HARDCOVER , Illustrated cover of Rabbit in Tophat, red striped Tie orange Pants running in snow PULLING sled with Dog & Rabbit Claude A. LA BELLE, Blank endpapers Foxed , With B/W GLOSSY FRONTISPIECE matches Cover: The Bailey Twins & Farnham CADET CORPS The, SCARCE CHILDS SERIES#2 , Old Sports book Military cadet, HARDBACK NODJ, Twins were military cadets
Noel de Vic Beamish IN ENGLISH, Taken from the Arabian, EX-LENDING LIBRARY WITH Bookplate & STAMPS 0N Blank Endpaper: The Quest of Love: The romance of Balkis, Queen of Sheba, her life and loves, LOVER OF KING SOLOMON in Jerusalem as told in Arabian Legends & History, Mysticism of East, Royal Harem, HOWARD R.GARIS ,Color Frontispiece Illustrations by Louis Wisa, Lang Campbell Illustratd DJ front cvr , 31 Chapters, Illustrated with 7 other plates, each printed in two colors: UNCLE WIGGILY & JOIE, TOMMIE, AND KITTIE KAT Childrens Book & Rare Illustrated DJ ,Uncle Wiggily Bedtime Animal Stories) Stanley Allen Lane, B/W FRONTISPIECE EMPEROR NORTON IN HAPPY VALLEY LOUNGE OF PALACE Hotel in San Francisco, ORANGE & WHITE ILLUSTRATED ENDPAPERS but 1st and last blank page are Missing,: Emperor Norton Mad Monarch of America, The strange but true story of Joshua Norton, the man who proclaimed himself Emperor Of America and protector Of Mexico, and made his Capital City
JOHN MILTON, Inner DJ flap $1.25, Grey & White Rockwell Kent Endpapers,: Complete Poetry & Selected Prose by John Milton Modern Library, Stated 1ST Modern Library , Paradise Lost, Regained, Samson Agonistes, Lycidas etc & other Essays William Makepeace Thackeray, Vera Bock DJ Art (illustrator) ORANGE & white Rockwell endpapers; , Inner DJ Flap Pricclipped with 95 cents,: VANITY FAIR ,ML# 131, STATED 1ST MODERN LIBRARY, Set in 18TH century Victorian England. A classic Novel withoput a Hero .In ART DECO McKnigbht-Kauffer DJ Ellye Howell Glover, SIGNED & Inscribed to Previous Owner by author MISS ELLIE Christmas 1913 , AKA Dame Curtsey , B/W Frontispiece Photo Upright Harpsichord,: How The Piano Came To Be By Ellye Howell Glover, SIGNED & Inscribed or AKA Dame Curtsey
by Elaine & Willy Pogany, SIGNED & Inscribed by Both, B/W Illustrated Endpapers, illustrated in COLOR & b/w, B/W Frontispiece: Peterkin IN DUSTJACKET, SIGNED ( was a mischievous Little Faun who lived in Forest ) who loved to Chase Butterflies, Romp with Rabbits & Play sweet tunes on His Flute ETC By Brad Bluth, Color & B/W Illustrations & Cvr by Toby Bluth, who are Brothers, SIGNED & Inscribed BRUCE BLYTHE of Pollinator Prod on Blue & White Illustrated Endpapers with Warm Remembrance: Silent Night with the Family Von Mouse, SIGNED by Bruce Blythe, Presently being Developed as Animated Film Pollinator Productions Hollywood, Charles Philip Fox, Naturalist, Illustrated B/W Photos by Author also, Blank Endpapers Former Name, INNER DJ Flap Priceclipped,: Mr. Duck's Big Day by Charles Philip Fox --FIRST EDITION, with DJ COLOR PICTURE OF DUCK?S FAMILY ,An Easy-to-Read Photo-Story Book for children, Something is about to Happen
Some Illustrations are by Mabel Attwell., Pictures have beenColored inside bk,: Spic and Span Paint Book #l512A on front cvr,Rare Vintage Children's Samuel Lowe Co. 1940's, IN COLOR CVR OF CAT ATOP SIGN & DOG PUPPY written & Illustrated Ed Emberley,, DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY,Initials on the front corner DJ, INNER FLAP SMALL TEAR AT BTM WITH Book Club Edition: The Parade Book, by Ed Emberley, Dust Jacket Only witb 136 men Marching across in Color 7 1 is Out of Step , DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY, ILLUSTRATED Mary Cameron, adaptation by Vivienne Benstead, DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY,Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped: The Three Little Pigs , ILLUSTRATED BY Mary Cameron, Dust Jacket Only, DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY,with 3 Pigs on DJ front,
Story & Pictures Charlotte Baker,, DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY, Initials on the on front DJ cvr ,Inner DJ Flap $2.50: Little Brother, by Charlotte Baker, Dust Jacket Only, DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY, Story about boy named John who lived on Sycamore Street Allan Bosworth, ILLUSTRATED by Robert Frankenberg,, DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY, Initials on the on Inner DJ Flap Shows slight wear & $2.50: Sancho of the Long, Long Horns, Allan Bosworth,ILLUSTRATED by Robert Frankenberg, Dust Jacket Only , DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY,Supper Chuck, Dorothy Gilman Butters, Illustrated by Kurt Werth, DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY, Initials on the on Inner DJ Flap Shows slight wear & $2 with price Code 007009: Papa Dolphin's Table, by Dorothy Gilman Butters, Illustrated by Kurt Werth, Dust Jacket Only , DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY,
Rhoda Levine, Illustrated by Karla Kuskin, Initials on the FRONT DJ TOP corner. BOOK Club Edition on Inner DJ Flap: Harrison Loved His Umbrella, by Rhoda Levine, Illustrated by Karla Kuskin, Dust Jacket Only , DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY,Harrison, a boy who always held his Umbrella Marjorie Hayes, 18 Illustrations in B/W by Doris & George Hauman , DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY, ,Inner DJ Flap priceclipped with $2.50 sticker & 610 at Btm: Little House on Wheels ,by Marjorie Hayes, Dust Jacket Only, DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY ,Little Charles & Lottie Brewster Evelyn Sibley Lampman, Illustrated by Robert Frankenberg,, DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY,Initials on the DJ Inner Flap with Book Club Edition: Tree Wagon, by Evelyn Sibley Lampman, Dust Jacket Only, DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY,Family in 1847 left Iowa to go to Oregon., They brought grafted fruit trees & Berry Bushes (700) in all to Oregon
by Christine Noble Govan, Illustrated in Color & B/W by Hattie Longstreet Price,, DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY,: Five At Ashefield, by Christine Noble Govan, Dust Jacket Only , DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY, 4 city Bred Children & their life on Aunt Annie's Farm Florence Hayes, ILLUSTRATED by Manning De V. Lee, DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY,Initials on the corner front DJ & Inner DJ FLAP Priceclipped but with (110-140) at Btm: The Burro Tamer, by Florence Hayes, Illustrated by Manning De V. Lee, Dust Jacket Only , DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY, Ricardo wanted a pet, NINA BUTLER, Color & B/W Illustrated by Roberta Asselin, Blank Endpapers Foxed, INNER DJ Flap $1: Billy in search of a Tail, A MANX CAT SETS OUT TO FIND A LONG TAIL & COMES HOME WITH SOMETHING MUCH BETTER, This charming children's picture story is about a
By Brad Bluth, Color & B/W Illustrations & Cvr by Toby Bluth, who are Brothers, SIGNED & Inscribed BY TOBY in Ink: Silent Night with the Family Von Mouse, SIGNED by TOBY Illustrator, Presently being Developed as Animated Film by Pollinator Productions Hollywood, MARTHA GOLDBERG ,B/W Illustrations by Christine Price, INNER DJ FLAP $2.50, FORMER OWNER STAMPS red Endpapers: WAIT FOR THE RAIN, Beginning to Read Book New Boots, New Yellow Raincoat, & No Rain, Owen Waited & Waited, His Big Brother Pooh-Poohed, DIANA ROSS , color Pictures by Leslie Wood, Attractively illustrated in colour. Inner Flap Priceclipped, DUSTJACKET ONLY,,DJ ONLY NO BOOK,: DUSTJACKET ONLY, The Story of the Little Red Engine By Diana Ross, ,DJ ONLY NO BOOK, Once Upon a time there was a Little Red Engine
MARTHA GOLDBERG, Born in NYC, Teacher NOW in San Francisco, DUSTJACKET ONLY NOBOOK, Drawings by Helen Stone,INNER DJ FLAP $1.75: DUSTJACKET ONLY, TWIRLY SKIRT, THE ,DJ ONLY NO BOOK, Drawings by Helen Stone, Easy Reading, How Ardently she looked forward to wearing it for the 1st Time, Photos & written by Charles Philip Fox, Dust Jacket Only , Priceclipped & small chip at fold of DJ, DJ ONLY NO BOOK, Photos taken on authors goat Farm: Frisky ... Try Again, by Charles Philip Fox, Dust Jacket Only ,DJ ONLY NO BOOK, An Easy to read Photo Story Book for Children, beginners, written in 1st grade vocabulary, true tale of a little Goat Henry Gregor Felsen, $2.25 INNER DJ FLAP, ,DJ ONLY, NO BOOK,: The Boy Who Discovered the Earth ,DJ ONLY, NO BOOK, A space fantasy in reverse from the 50's. Funky illustrations. Hard to find. DUSTJACKET ONLY
by Nathaniel Benchley Pictures by ARNOLD LOBEL, $2.19 INNER DJ FLAP, Initials on the top corner back Flap. DUSTJACKET ONLY ,DJ ONLY, NO BOOK, AUTHOR GRADUATED HARVARD COLLEGE IN 1938: STRANGE DISAPPEARANCE OF ARTHUR CLUCK. by Nathaniel Benchley Hard to find. AN I Can Read Mystery, DUSTJACKET ONLY , ,DJ ONLY, NO BOOK,One Morning Mrs. Cluck went to feed her Leonore Klein, Illust by Leonard Kessler,, $ 2.25 INNER DJ FLAP with Initials: WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF .. DUSTJACKET ONLY ,DJ ONLY, NO BOOK, by Leonore Klein, If you saw a Rhinoceros coming down the street, I?d tickle his ear, I?d run away, 3 people react to different situations , Story by Nancy Dudley, Pictures by Sofia, Dust Jacket Only , NO BOOK, Inner DJ Flap $2 with Initials: LINDA GOES TO THE HOSPITAL Story by Nancy Dudley DUSTJACKET ONLY, DJ ONLY , NO BOOK, A SUDDEN SHARP PAIN, THERMOMETER THAT SHOOTS UPWARD,
Eleanore M. Jewett, , Illustrated Jay Hyde Barnum, ,Dust Jacket Only , Inner DJ Flap priceclipped $2.50: Mystery at Boulder Point DUSTJACKET ONLY, DJ ONLY , NO BOOK, Ever hear of a mooncusser ? that?s the name Cape Codders gave the wreckers. the people who used to lure sailiing ships Harrison Kinney, Illustrated by Harold Price, DJ ONLY, Inner Flap $2.25 with initial name, NO BOOK: Lonesome Bear DUSTJACKET ONLY, DJ ONLY , NO BOOK, After finding a seemingly tame bear in his yard, Stephen tries to convince his parents and other adults that he can control the bear's Agnes Cope Foote, Dust Jacket Only , NO BOOK, Inner DJ Flap $2, Jacket drawing & 19 illustrations by Kleber Hall: Huckleberry Island, ,DUSTJACKET ONLY, DJ ONLY , NO BOOK, Mystery story for boys & girls in summer colony off the maine coast, MYSTERY OF STOLEN SHIP'S BELL,
Priscilla Holton, B/W Illustrated by Kurt Wiese, 5050 PRICE CODE TOP INNER DJ FLAP. Gift inscription on first blank page. B /W FRONTISWPIECE 3 QUAINT DONKEY CARTS AWAITED US, Blue & White Illusttrated Endpapers: Blue Junk, HARDBACK Dustjacket, When Vickery Hughes returns to china with Her Father, She has Yet to Discover the Sgnificance OF HER LITTLE WHITE JADE MONKEY, by Joseph Gollomb, B/W Illustrated by Edward C. Caswell, , Inner DJ flap Priceclipped $2 stamp, GLOSSY frontispiece illustration is Lose: That year Lincoln High by Joseph Gollomb, in DUSTJACKET , J. Henley Smolett, whose well-to-do father Decrees that he shall go to the near-by public school I Jean Fiedler, Illustrated Barbara Latham, Dust Jacket Only, Dust Jacket Only, Inner DJ Flap $1.75 & Ink Initials: GREEN Thumb Story by Jean Fiedler, The DUSTJACKET ONLY, DJ ONLY , NO BOOK, beginning to read Book, There was not a thing growing in Peter's Yard. There was nothing but Bare
by Edward W. Dolch, PhD. And Marguerite P., Initials on the corner, INNER DJ Flap $2, Robert P. Borja, (illustrator): IN THE WOODS, The, DOLCH FIRST READING BOOK, DUSTJACKET ONLY, DJ ONLY , NO BOOK, Intriguing Stories about many Animals & the Woods Frieda Friedman, B/W Illustrated by Carolyn Haywood, Inner DJ FLAP Priceclipped but $2.50 with Ink Initials: A Sundae with Judy, DUSTJACKET ONLY, DJ ONLY , NO BOOK, Life in gay friendly neighborhoods of early twentieth century New York City, where Judy's Father Story & PICTURES by W. J. Pat Enright, born in Chicago is Newspaper Cartoonist, Initials on the corner DJ FLAP With $2.75: Sailor Jim's Cave Mystery of Buried Treasure in Florida, DUSTJACKET ONLY, DJ ONLY , NO BOOK, FOR Boys 10 to 14 , Thrilling Story of Outdoor Adventure & a hunt for PIRATES TREASURE
MARIA GLEIT, Initials on the corner flap of DJ & $2.50: Paul Tiber Forester DUSTJACKET ONLY, DJ ONLY , NO BOOK, He was the son of a Miner in Pennsylvania Coal Town, He wanted to Plant Trees, TRUE STORY, Every day is an Adventure STORY & Pictures Nils Hogner, Dust Jacket Only , Priceclipped, NO BOOK: Jimmy's First Roundup, STORY & Pictures Nils Hogner,, DUSTJACKET ONLY, DJ ONLY , NO BOOK, AUTHORS 6TH BK, HE WORKED ON A TEXAS CATTLE RANCH, as a general ROUSTABOUT & WATER BOY by Helen Kay, Pictures by Barbara Cooney, Dust Jacket Only , Initials on the corner BOOK CLUB EDITION. Great photo on rear DJ flap of Cooney & her Children: SNOW BIRTHDAY by Helen Kay DUSTJACKET ONLY, DJ ONLY , NO BOOK, Young Stephen wishes for a "snow birthday" but is disappointed when he gets his wish (
by Osa Johnson, Illustrated Arthur August Jansson IN B/W & Color,, Dust Jacket Only ,$1.50 ON DJ FLAP & Initials on front corner Dustjacket: Snowball Adventures of a Young Gorilla, by Osa Johnson, DUSTJACKET ONLY, DJ ONLY , NO BOOK, Author came across Gorilla on trip to Belgian Congo. She bought him from the Natives WRITTEN & Illustrated Victor J. Dowling, DJ ONLY, , NO BOOK, Initials on the corner. PRICCLIPPED BUT $2 INTACT TRADE EDITION, Initials on the corner: The Old Woman's Chickens ,by Victor J. Dowling, DJ ONLY, , NO BOOK, 1st edition DJ Only! NO Book! DUST JACKET DUSTJACKET ONLY, Lee Kingman, DUSTJACKET ONLY, NO BOOK DJ ONLY,Initials on the corner: Kathy and the Mysterious Statue,by Lee Kingman, Dust Jacket Only, NO BOOK, This was going to be adventurous summer, She left New York
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