here for information on Private and Fine Presses world-wide.

The Plough Press publishes books on bookbinding, papermaking, printing, typography, etc.

We design and create hand-bound, bilingual, quality artists’ books at accessible prices so that original literary art may be for everyone. Colorful Latin American focus.
Erskine Press
publish unusual and interesting books covering a wide range of interests.
For example, twice a year, books dealing with the HEROIC AGE OF ANTARCTIC
EXPLORATION - facsimiles of diaries, new diaries
and previously unpublished works, as well as first English translations of European expeditions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
www.erskine-press.com |
The literary first editions of the Balance Press concentrate on artists' books with texts by international contemporary authors. These works are published in bilingual
Site. |

We produce hand-printed editions from internationally known contemporary
artists. Our products are signed and numbered by the artists and produced
solely for our company. You can view the editions online. Artists include:
Eduardo Arroyo, Eduardo Paolozzi, Zoran Music, Stephen
Mathewson, Pino Castagna, Jean-Paul Chambas, et al.
Site |

letterpress limited editions, chapbooks and broadsides. Publishers of Arts & Crafts
period cards, notes and stationery items. Book arts and handmade papers. P.O. Box 94
Oysterville, WA 98641, U.S.A. Tel / Fax: +1 (360) 665 3535.
Web site. |

The Alembic Press is a private press working full-time on the
origination, typesetting, printing, binding and publishing of fine press books. It is
solely letterpress, and concentrates mostly on books that illustrate or explore aspects of
printing, binding and paper styles, techniques and history.
Web site. |
The current books in print of
more than seventeen private presses in the UK are presented at the
Private Presses of the UK web site.
Each Press presents its own books
with bibliographic details, prices and in many cases images. |
Castle Hill Press publishes high-quality
editions of important literary and historical texts, most recently the complete 1922 text
of T.E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom. |
For details on how to obtain a directory listing on this page, please click here.