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Levasseur, Victor:: Départment du Rhône
Gibbon, Edward:: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire [...]
ENGLAND, LONDON: Bacon, G.W.:: Gifford’s Flexible Pocket Map of London, divided into half mile squares and circles
Janssonius:: Anglia Regnum
[Tomlinson, Charles]:: Summer in the Antarctic Regions; a Narrative of Voyages of Discovery Towards the South Pole. With a Map of the Antartctic Regions [...]
Stanford, Edward:: The Island of Madeira
Stanford, Edward:: The Euphrates Valley, Syria, Kurdistan &c
Stanford, Edward:: Sketch of the Acquisitions of Russia in Europe and Central Asia since the Accession of Peter 1st to the Throne
Stanford, Edward:: The States & Provinces of the Balkan Peninsula
Stanford, Edward:: Cyprus
Stanford, Edward:: Map of the North Western Frontier of India, showing the Pamir Region and part of Afghanistan
Stanford, Edward:: Borneo
Stanford, Edward:: New Zealand
Stanford, Edward:: The Falkland Islands, surveyed by Captains Robert FitzRoy R.N., William Robinson R.N. and Bartholomew James Sulivan R.N
Stanford, Edward:: The World in Hemispheres
Leupp, F.E.:: Map showing Indian Reservations within the limits of the United States
Atkins, John D.C.:: Map showing the location of Indian Reservations within the limits of the United States and Territories
Hayt, Ezra A.:: Map showing Indian Reservations in the United States and Number of Indians belonging thereto
Thomson, John:: Northern/Southern Part of England
Morden, Robert:: Savoy and Piedmont
Tallis, John:: Northern Italy
Cyril, Saint, Bishop of Jerusalem:: [Greek title] Opera, quae supersunt, omnia; quorum quaedam nunc primum ex Codd. MSS. edidit, [...] notisque illustravit, Tho. Milles [...]
Tallis, John:: Ceylon
Eusebius:: [Greek title] De Demonstratione Evangelica [...]
Justin of Caesarea (or Justin Martyr):: [Greek title] [opera] Lutetiae [Paris], ex officina Robert Stephani [...] [bound with] Beati Iustini [...] opera omnia [...] Ioachimo Perionio Benedictino Cormoeriaceno interprete [...]
Tallis, John:: Japan & Corea
Tallis, John:: Persia
Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d'Après de:: Carte des Isles du Cap-Verd
More, Hannah:: The Works [...]
Le Lievre brothers:: Map of the Island of Jersey […]
Wyld, James:: Map of the Ottoman Empire, the Black Sea and the Frontiers of Russia and Persia
John Chrysostom:: [...] De Sacerdotio libri vi. Graeci & Latine [[bound with] Contra Iudaeos Homiliae vi [....] opera Davidis Hoeschelii [...]
Gregory of Nazianzenus:: In Iulianum Invectivae Duae. Cum scholiis Graecis nunc primum editis [...]Omnia, ex bibliotheca [...] Henrici Savilii, edidit R. Montagu [...]
Admiralty chart:: Valetta Harbours and the Coast Westward to Madalena Point. Surveyed [...] under the supervision of Captains Graves & Spratt, R.N. [...]
Admiralty chart:: Malta & Gozo Islands. Surveyed [...] under the direction of Captains Graves & Spratt, R.N. [...]
Josephus (Thompson & Price trans.):: The Works containing, I. The life of Josephus, as written by himself. II. The antiquities of the Jewish people; with a defence of those antiquities, in answer to Apion. III. The history of the martyrdom of the Maccabees; and the wars of the Jews with the neighbouring nations till the final destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman power. IV. Account of Philo's Ambassy from the Jews of Alexandria, to the Emperor Caius Caligula. The whole newly translated from the Greek by Ebenezer Thompson and William Charles Price [...]
Silius Italicus:: Punicorum libri septedecim [...]
Cornelius Nepos:: Vitae Excellentium Imperatorum [...] curante Augustino van Staveren. [...]
Hondius-Janssonius:: Novissima Arragoniae Regni Tabula Authore Ioanne Baptista Labbana
Sanson, Nicolas:: Basse Allemaigne divisée par ses Estats [...]
Sanson, Nicolas:: Germania Antiqua [...]
Tallis, John:: Arabia
Schraembl, Franz Anton:: Karte von dem groessten theil des landes Jemen, Imame, Kaukeban &. &. [...]
Ortelius:: Basiliensis Territorii Descriptio Nova/Circulis sive Ligne Sueviae vulgo Swabische Kraiss
Mercator-Hondius:: Stiria
Mercator-Hondius:: Saltzburg archiepiscopatus cum ducatu Carinthiae
Mercator-Hondius:: [Argow]
Virgil:: Opera, interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruaeus Soc.Jesu. Jussu Christianissimi Regis, ad usum Serenissimi Delphini. Secunda editio
Eutropius:: Breviarium Historiae Romanae, cum Metaphrasi Graeca Paeanii, Et Notis Integris Eliae Vineti, Henrici Glareani, Tanaquilli et Annae Fabri, Thomas Hearnii, Item selectis Frid. Sylburgii. & Christ Cellarii, Accedunt Sexti rufi. Breviarium, cum notis integris Christoph. Cellarii, & Messala Corvinus. De Progenie Augusti, ut & Anonymi Oratio funebris in Constantinum Juniorem. Ex MSS. Bibl. Lugd. Bat. Reensuit Sigebertus Havercampus, Qui & Suas & Christoph. Augusti Heumanni, Notas adjecit Cum Indicibus copiosissimis
Velleius Paterculus:: Quae Supersunt ex Historiae Romanae voluminibus duobus. Cum integris scholiis, notis, variis lectionibus, et animadversionibus doctorum, curante Petro Burmanno. Editio secunda auctior & emendatior
Caesar:: [Opera] quae extant cum notis & animadversionibus Dionysii Vosii [...] ex musaeo Joannis Georgii Graevii
Quintilian:: [Institutio Oratoria]
ENGLAND, HAMPSHIRE: Walker, J. & C:: Fox Hunting Map of Hampshire
DICTIONARIES:: The Royal Pocket Dictionary, French and English and English and French ... by J.F. Tocquot ... 1808; A Compendious Geographical Dictionary, containing a description of every remarkable place in Europe, Asia, Africa and America ... the fourth edition ... by B.P. Capper ... 1813; A New Biographical Dictionary ... by Stephen Jones ... 1822; A Dictionary of the English Language compiled from Dr Johnson ... 1825;
Braun, Georg and Hogenberg, Frans:: Brugae, Flandricarum Urbium Ornamenta [Bruges]
ENGLAND: CO. DURHAM: Blaeu:: Dunelmensis
Stanfield, Clarkson:: Battle of Trafalgar
ENGLAND, LONDON: Schmollinger, William:: Improved Map of London for 1833, from Actual Survey
Mirandula, Octavianus:: Illustrium poetarum flores [...]
Bible, Greek New Testament:: Novum Testamentum, Graece & Latine. Theodoro Beza interprete [...] huic autem quartae editioni, praeter multorum locorum recognitionem, accesserunt breves difficiliorum phraseon expositiones [...]
WALES, RADNOR: Speed, John:: The Countie of Radnor Described and the Shyretowns Situatione
ENGLAND, LONDON: Homann Heirs:: Regionis, quae est circa Londinum [...]
Ortelius, Abraham:: Turcici Imperii Descriptio
Speed, John:: Wales
Jones, George:: The Battle of Waterloo
Gailhabaud, Jules:: London Docks
Sanson, Nicolas:: Royaume de Congo […]
Plutarch:: The Philosophie, Commonlie called, The Morals [...] Translated out of Greek into English, and conferred with the Latine translations and the French, by Philemon Holland [...]
ENGLAND, SOMERSET: Morden, Robert:: Somersetshire
SCOTLAND, STIRLINGSHIRE: Blaeu:: Sterlinensis Praefectura. Sterlin-shyre
ENGLAND, MIDDLESEX: Aikin, Dr John:: Middlesex
Callimachus:: Works of Callimachus, translated into English verse. The Hymns and Epigrams from the Greek; with the Coma Berenices from the Latin of Catullus: with the original text, and notes carefully selected from former commentators, and additional observations By H. W. Tytler [...]
Juvenal & Flaccus:: D. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae. Tabulis Aeneis Illustravit, et Notas Variorum Selectas, Suasque Addidit G.S. [ie William Sandby]
Polybius (Edward Grimeston trans.):: The History of Polybius the Megalopolitan., The five first Bookes entire with all the parcels of the subsequent Bookes unto the eighteenth, according to the Greeke originall. [...] Translated into English by Edward Grimeston, Sergeant at Armes
[Lee Boo, Prince]: The History of Prince Lee Boo, a Native of the Pelew Islands, brought to England by Captain Wilson. A new Edition
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