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BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Atlas Portatif pour servir a l'intelligence de L'Histoire Philosophique et Politique MULLER, Johann Ulrich - BODENEHR, Gabriel: Egyptus SAXTON, Christopher - WEB, William: The County Palatine of Durisme exactly drawne 1642
ARMSTRONG, Andrew: The County Palatine of Durham Survey'd by Capt Armstrong and Engraved by Thomas Jefferys Geographer to His Majesty MDCCLXVIII HARDING, James Duffield: (Italian landscape) ELLIS, George: Ellis's New and Correct Atlas of England and Wales being an Entire New Set of County Maps
MULLER, Johann Ulrich - BODENEHR, Gabriel: (Egypt & Nubia) MULLER, Johann Ulrich: (Egypt) MULLER, Johann Ulrich: (Egypt & Nubia)
MULLER, Johann Ulrich: Egyptus ORTELIUS, Abraham - VRIENTS, Jan Baptiste: Angliae et Hiberniae Accurata Descriptio, Veteribus et Recentioribus .. MORDEN, Robert: South Wales
SAXTON, Christopher - WILLDEY, George: Yorkshire HOFFMAN, Johann: Hannonia MONTECALERIO, Joannes a: Provincia Tolosana Cum confiniis
MERIAN, Matthaus: Dero zu Hungarn und Bohaim Kongl: May: Herrn Be: Leopoldi ... Linzug zu dem nacher Frankfurt auss geschriebenen .. SANTINI, Paolo: Partie Septentrionale de la Couronne de Castille VAUGONDY, Robert de: Partie Septentrionale de la Couronne de Castille
BUFFON, George Louis Leclerc: Carte des Declinaisons et Inclinaisons de L'Aiguille Aimantee .. ARROWSMITH, John: The River Niger Shewing the Course of the Expedition under Captain Trotter in 1841 BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Carte Reduite des Costes De France et D'Espagne
RUSCELLI, Girolamo: Tabula Asiae I NEELE, Samuel John: Map of China FABRI, Pietro: Nizza
LASOR A VAREA, Alphonsus: Isole Hebride, et Orcade SPEED, John: Tartaria McKENNEY, Thomas L. and James HALL: History of the Indian Tribes of North America
BEEVERALL, James: Les Delices de la Grand Bretagne et L’Irlande CARY, John: Cary's Survey of the High Roads from London to Hampton Court, Bagshot .. ORTELIUS, Abraham: Britannicarum Insularum Vetus Descriptio
ELLIS, Joseph: A Modern Map of the Island of Jersey ACKERMANN, Rudolph: Richmond as seen from above the Bridge CALVER, E. Killwick: Entrance to the River Tyne
RAMBLE, Reuben: Reuben Ramble’s Travels in the Western Counties of England BERRY, William: A Mapp of All the World in two Hemispheres in which are exactly Described all the Parts of the Earth and Seas. Described by Sanson, corrected and amended by William Berry MERCATOR, Gerard: Irlandiae regnum
SANSON, Nicolas: Duche et Gouvernement de Normandie WESSEL, C. - SKANKE, H: Kort over Siaelland og Moen ALAGNA, Giacomo Giovanni: The Coast of the Mediterranean Sea from Cape Razatin to Alexandria, with part of the Island of Candia
FADEN, William: A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape Comorin, MDCCXCII NUNEHAM, George Simon Harcourt, Viscount: [A Series of Four Views of Stanton-Harcourt] SANSON, Nicolas: Ancien Royaume. de Northumberland aujourdhuy Provinces de Nort
MECHANIC'S MAGAZINE: Mechanic's Magazine, Museum, Register, Journal, & Gazette COVENS, Jean & MORTIER, Corneille: Carte de L'Afrique Francoise ou du Senegal SMITH, William - OVERTON, Henry: A New Mapp of the County of Suffolk
BERTIUS, Petrus: Granada et Murcia ASTLEY, Thomas: Plan of the Island of Gorée SELLER, John: Hertfordshire Actually Surveyed and Delineated
WALKER, John & Charles: Strait and Islands of Mia-Tao WALKER, John & Charles: Loo - Choo Sketch of Port Melville WALKER, John & Charles: China Sheet VII East Coast Yellow Sea and Gulf of Pe-Chili
DU PETIT-THOUARS, Abel: Marchande de Fruits a Lima (Perou) MULLER, Johann Ulrich - BODENEHR, Gabriel: (La Plata) MULLER, Johann Ulrich - BODENEHR, Gabriel: (Tucuman)
WALKER, John & Charles: South and East Islands of the Saddle Group MULLER, Johann Ulrich - BODENEHR, Gabriel: Guaiana WALKER, John & Charles: Coast of Tartary. Victoria Bay. Port Deans Dundas
WALKER, John & Charles: China. Sketch of Hulu-Shan Bay SANSON, Nicolas: Royaume de Naples ... 1648 SANSON, Nicolas: Calabre Citerieure et Ulterieure la Far de Messine &c
BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Gratia Nopolis (Grenoble)/ Romans Delfinatus MOLL, Herman: (Set of four maps of the County of Yorkshire) BLOME, Richard: Cosmography and Geography
Smith, Joseph: (A New and Exact Plan of the Cities of London & Westminster and the Borough of Southwark) KIP, Johannes: The North Prospect of the New Quadrangle of Christs Church in Oxford GREENE, William Thomas: Parrots in Captivity
BAYNE, Rev. R: Historical Sketch of Rickmansworth and the Surrounding Parishes GRAHAME, Thomas: A Treatise on Internal Intercourse and Communication in Civilised States and Particularly Great Britain JOHNSON, Samuel: A General Index to the First Twenty Volumes of the Gentleman’s Magazine, in five parts. To which is added, an index to the first volume of the miscellaneous correspondence
DIETRICH, David Nathaniel Friedrich: Flora Universalis in colorierten Abbildungen SOUTHACK, Cyprian: A Correct Map of the Coast of New England 1731 WELLS, Edward: A New Map of the most Considerable Plantations of the English in America
BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Plan de L'Isle de Gore BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Plan de L'Isle de Goree, sur les desseins du Sr, Compagnon BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Plan de L'Isle de Gore Avec ses Fortifications
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