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Hier finden Sie Informationen zu Kunstverlagen und -druckereien in der ganzen Welt.

Wir sind auf zeitgenössische Künstlergrafik von renommierten österreichischen und internationalen KünstlerInnen in kleiner, streng limitierter Auflage spezialisiert. Sie können unsere Editionen online besichtigen. KünstlerInnen (Auswahl): Eduardo Arroyo, Erwin Bohatsch, Gunter Damisch, Rudolf Hradil, Brigitte Kowanz, Ulrike Lienbacher, Hans Staudacher, Max Weiler, Zoran Music. Web Site.

Balance Press

Künstlerbücher in literarischen Erstausgaben internationaler Schriftsteller mit Originalgrafik zeitgenössischer Künstler.
Web Site.

Cranberry Press

Hand-set letterpress limited editions, chapbooks and broadsides. Publishers of Arts & Crafts period cards, notes and stationery items. Book arts and handmade papers. P.O. Box 94 Oysterville, WA 98641, U.S.A. Tel / Fax:  +1 (360) 665 3535. Web site.

Alembic Press

The Alembic Press is a private press working full-time on the origination, typesetting, printing, binding and publishing of fine press books. It is solely letterpress, and concentrates mostly on books that illustrate or explore aspects of printing, binding and paper styles, techniques and history. Web site.

The current books in print of more than seventeen private presses in the UK are presented at the Private Presses of the UK web site.

Each Press presents its own books with bibliographic details, prices and in many cases images.

Colophon Press

Colophon Press is a small private press specialising in fine limited editions, usually signed, by distinguished contemporary authors, including Bruce Chatwin, Muriel Spark, John Fowles and Iris Murdoch.

Castle Hill Press publishes high-quality editions of important literary and historical texts, most recently the complete 1922 text of T.E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom.

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All Original Material, Translations and HTML Coding Copyright © Jack A. Benson (ammonet) 1999 - 2001. All rights reserved.