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Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. XXVIII. March 1937. No. 7 Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. XXVIII, February 1937, No. 6 Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. XXVII, July 1936, No. 11
Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. XXV, August 1934, No. 12 Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. XXVII, September 1935, No. 1 Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. XXVI, April 1935, No. 8
Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. XXVI, March 1935, No. 7 United States Congress: Chinese Exclusion. Testimony Taken Before the Committee on Immigration, United States Senate, on Senate Bill 2960 and Certain Othe Bills Before the Committee Providing for the Exclusion of Chinese Laborers. (57th Congress, 1st Session. Report 776, Part 2.) Smith, John: The Capture and Release of Captain John Smith, Including His Rescue from Death by Pocahontas, in His Own Words from The Generall Historie of Virginia as Published at London in 1624
Plopper, Clifford H: Chinese Religion Seen Through the Proverb Lyman, Horace S.; Young, F. G: Semi-Centennial History of Oregon. Mile Posts in the Development of Oregon and Characteristics of Oregon as as American Commonwealth, with a Supplement: A World Movement and a National Movement That Had Important Relations to the Making of Oregon (Bulletin of the University of Oregon, Historical Series Vol. I, No. 1.) Brewster, Wililam: Resurrection of the Red-legged Black Duck (From The Auk, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, July 1910.)
Brewster, Wililam: Barrow's Golden-Eye in Massachusetts (From The Auk, Vol. XXV, No. 2, April 1909.) John Rylands University Library of Manchester; Guppy, Henry (Introduction): The John Rylands Library Manchester: Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Works of Shakespeare, His Sources, and the Writings of His Principal Contemporaries. With an Introductory Sketch, and Sixteen Facsimiles; Tercentenary of the Death of Shakespeare, 1616, April 23, 1916 Gann, Ernest K: The Antagonists: A Novel About Masada
Owen, Ethel; Owen, Frank: Games in Rhyme Carpenter, Fred Warner: Verses from Many Seas Haines, Jennie Day: Blue Monday Book
Grinnell, Joseph: Pacific Coast Avifauna No. 1, Birds of the Kotzebue Sound Region, Alaska (Cooper Ornithologoical Club of California) James, George Wharton; Cloud, A.J: Bret Harte: The Founder of the Overland Monthly; Leaves from Early California History: John A. Sutter and Sutter's Fort Bradlee, Thomas S.; Mowbray, Louis L.; Eaton, Warren F.; Mark, E. L. (Foreword): Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. Vol. 39, No. 8, p. 279-382, pl. 43-45. A List of Birds Recorded from the Bermudas
Bekins Van and Storage Company: Original Map - Map of San Francisco Franklin, Benjamin: Paper: A Poem by Benjamin Franklin; A Roxburghe-Zamorano Keepsake, San Francisco, 1972 Marks, Lillian: On Printing in the Tradition
Gandier, D. M: Prohibition and the 1916 Campaign Bergez- Frank's Old Poodle Dog Company, Incorporated: Bergez-Frank's, Inc. Old Poodle Dog Menu Bergez- Frank's Old Poodle Dog Company, Incorporated: Bergez-Frank's, Inc. Old Poodle Dog Wine List
Bergez- Frank's Old Poodle Dog Company, Incorporated: Opening Night Souvenir Menu for Bergez-Frank's Old Poodle Dog Company, June Tenth, Nineteen Hundred Eight Hazelton, John Adams; Bloom, Mary Geneva (Edited and Annotated by): The Hazelton Letters: A Contribution to Western Americana Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. XXVI, February 1935, No. 6
Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. XXVIII, June 1937, No. 10 Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. X, February 1919, No. 6 Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. VI, October 1914, No. 2
State of Nevada, State Controller's Office: State Controller's Warrant and Deficiency Claim; Carson, Nevada, 1882-1883 State of Nevada, State Controller's Office: State Controller's Warrant; Carson City, Nevada, December 2, 1898 State of California: Receipt for State and County Taxes, County of Sacramento, 1866
Green, Elizabeth; Hathaway, Martha N. (Foreword): National Parks or National Fairness Hall, Thomas; Mulford, John; Barlow, William P., Jr. (Notes): The Journey of Thos Hall and Jn Mulford Thro' Part of Hampshire, Berkshire, Gloucestershire, Monmouthshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, and Warwickshire, July 1 to 13, 1765 Hindley, Charles: When Grog May Be Taken Medicinally
Morley, Christopher: Proofreader's Mind (Typophile Monographs: XIII) Wichnyther; Chereau, Jacques: Original Print - "Vue de la Sortie de Paris Prise du Pont Neuf" Chereau, Jacques: Original Print - "Vue du Port de Marseille"
Aveline: Original Double Print - "Veue et Perspective de la Samaritaine de Paris"; "Veue du Profil de Douay, Ville Forte du Comte de Flandre, Scituee sur la Riviere de l'Escarpe ..." Original Map - Roap Map; California, Oregon, Washington; Hotel Manx, San Francisco J. H. Avil; American Souvenir Company: Points of Interest in Philadelphia and Fairmount Park
Bergez- Frank's Old Poodle Dog Company, Incorporated: Collection of Nine Wine Labels from the Famous San Francisco, The Old Poodle Dog, circa 1908 Smith, George G.; Cunnyngham, W. G. E. (Editorial Note); Haygood, Atticus (Introduction): Childhood and Conversion Marieschi, Michele (Michiel): A View of the Bridge Rialto at Venice; with the Delpheno Palace on the Right Hand, and the Winte Wharf on the Left
Canaletto (Drawer); Rooker, Edward (Engraver): A View of the Grand Walk and in Vauxhall Gardens Taken from the Entrance (Vue de la Grande Allee du Jardin de Vauxhall Prise de l'Entree) Majus Labrum ad Extremum Majoris Deambulatorii Palatii des Thuilleries Parisiis. Le Grand Bassin au Bout de la Grande Allee des Thuilleries a Paris Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. V, November 1913, No. 3
Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. IV, October 1912, No. 2 Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. IV, December 1912, No. 4 Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine. Vol. VI, March 1915, No. 7
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Wiggin, Kate Douglas: Penelope's Postscripts (Penelope's Experiences Series) Willis, Nathaniel Parker: Famous Persons and Places Guerard, Albert: Literature and Society
Bushnell Photography Company: Original Portrait Photograph - Katherine Grey The Brown Book of Boston. Vol. IV, February 1902, No. 4 The Brown Book of Boston. Vol. III, February 1901, No. 5
The Brown Book of Boston. Vol. III, August 1901, No. 4 Stevens, George: Typed Letter Signed - George Stevens Marceau, Theo C: Original Portrait Photograph - Katherine Grey
Sullivan, T. R: Day and Night: Second Series Brown, Marshall: Wit and Humor of Familiar Sayings Bradford, Gamaliel: Biography of the Human Heart
Whitlock, Brand: The Turn of the Balance Going, Charles Buxton: Summer-Fallow Austin, Jane G: David Alden's Daughter and Other Stories of Colonial Times
Tourgee, Albion W: Button's Inn Tourgee, Albion W: John Eax and Mamelon or The South Without the Shadow Riley, H. H: Puddleford and Its People
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