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If you already read or speak French, German, Spanish or Italian, we have a great way for you to improve and maintain your oral and reading comprehension -

Champs-Elysées audiomagazines

You can use "Champs-Elysées", "Schau ins Land", "Puerta Sol", and "Acquerello Italiano" to stay in touch with your favorite languages and cultures. Each audiomagazine is an hour-long programme on audio cassette or CD consisting of news, features and interviews, produced in Europe by professional broadcasters and journalists. A booklet containing a word-for-word transcript and an extensive glossary accompanies the audio component. In addition to translations of difficult words and phrases, the glossaries contain copious biographical, historical, political and cultural notes. An optional study supplement with listening exercises and grammar drills is also available with each issue.

This is what you need for when the language course ends! 


Click on your favorite language for more information and a subscription form:

French    German    Spanish    Italian 

Ongoing language learning in a cultural context 

Because the audiomagazines are periodicals, you are exposed to novel and current material month by month. This is thus a genuinely entertaining and culturally informative way to maintain language fluency. 

Every subscription comes with a money-back guarantee. If it’s not for you, let Champs-Elysées know within 30 days and your money will be refunded and you can keep your first issue. 

All Original Material, Translations and HTML Coding Copyright © Jack A. Benson (ammonet) 1999 - 2001. All rights reserved.